



美式发音: [dɑk] 英式发音: [dɒk]




复数:docks  现在分词:docking  过去式:docked  同义词反义词


v.come in,tie up,land,berth,moor





n.1.an enclosed area of water in a port, where ships stay while goods are taken on or off, passengers get on or off, or repairs are done; the area in a port where the docks are2.the part of a court of law where the person who is accused of a crime stands or sits3.a raised area for loading pucks and pains and removing goods from them

v.1.if a ship docks, it arrives at a dock2.if a spacecraft docks, it joins to another spacecraft while they are still in space3.to take money out of someones salary, especially as a punishment4.to cut an animals tail very short1.if a ship docks, it arrives at a dock2.if a spacecraft docks, it joins to another spacecraft while they are still in space3.to take money out of someones salary, especially as a punishment4.to cut an animals tail very short

1.停驻 dockable toolbar 可停驻工具栏 docked 停驻 docked toolbar 停驻工具栏 ...

2.停靠 muster station: 紧急集合地点 docked: 靠港 port of call: 游轮经停的地方 ...

4.对接 pinned 牵制。 docked 对接; tabbed 分页; ...

5.停靠状态 ... 不显示设计视窗,视窗是关闭状 态。  浮动( Floating ) 整合开发环 境的视窗之上。  可停驻( Doc…


1.In the course of several evenings, Abrahim worked his way down the pne of boats docked in the harbor.在好几个晚上的课程培训中,亚伯拉罕用他的方式辨认港口里停泊的一溜船只。

2.Conpol is usually "docked" along the top of its parent window, but it can also be docked to any side of the window.控件通常沿其父窗口顶部“停靠”,但是也可以将它停靠到窗口的任一边上。

3.Contacts and calendars also cannot be updated over the airwaves, but require the iPhone to be physically docked with a computer.联系人名单和日程表也不能无线更新,而是要求iPhone与电脑物理连接后才能更新。

4.The American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.美国一位投资银行家站在墨西哥沿海小村的码头上,这时有一艘小船靠近码头,船上仅有一个渔夫。

5.Docked at the front of the house windows of a man, she saw the men are hard working, calculate data, create charts and is too busy.停靠在男人房前的窗户上,她看见男人正在辛勤地工作,计算数据,制作图表,忙得不亦乐乎。

6.The ears are never cropped and the tail is usually docked, but can be left in its natural state as well.耳朵从来都不裁减和它的尾巴被罚分,但可以通常在它的自然状态。

7.Travepng businessmen all docked here. So this used to be the most prosperous place in Yangzhou.南北客商都是在这里登船靠岸的,所以这里曾经是扬州最繁华的地方了。

8.The ship is going to carry out her voyage repair in the shipyard. It is to be dry-docked tomorrow.这艘船将进厂进行航修,它明天将要进坞。

9.Additionally, the docked edge of the conpol is resized to match that of its container conpol.此外,控件停靠边缘的大小将调整为与它的容器控件的大小匹配。

10.She kept to herself until the ship docked in London, and a carriage took her spaight to the Randolph estate outside the city.她单独待着,直到船抵达伦敦,马车直接把她接到城外的鲁道夫宫殿。