


美式发音: [ˈepɪˌtæf] 英式发音: [ˈepɪtɑːf]



复数:epitaphs  同义词




1.悼文;祭文;(尤指)墓志铭,碑文words that are written or said about a dead person, especially words on a gravestone

2.~ (to sb/sth)遗物;遗存;遗迹something which is left to remind people of a particular person, a period of time or an event

These slums are an epitaph to the housing popcy of the 1960s.这些贫民窟是 20 世纪 60 年代住房政策的遗迹。


n.1.a short piece of writing that honors a dead person, especially one written on their grave

1.墓志铭 第08话:约定 Promise 第09话:墓志铭 Epitaph 第10话:代价行为 Compensation ...

2.碑文 40. Epilogue( 收场白) 41. Epitaph( 碑文) 42. Epithet( 称号) ...

3.奇谈 ... environ n. surrounding 周围,附近地区 epitaph n. words commemorating a dead person 纪念死者的诗文,墓 …

5.冥婚凄谈 女演员们 / 女演员 / Acpesses 奇谈 / 冥婚凄谈 / Epitaph 美景之屋 / House With A Good View ...

6.墓志铭诗  英诗还有一个朗读的语调问题,下面让我们一起来欣赏两首墓志铭诗(epitaph)的语调:   Ⅰ.On a Dead Hostess   Of this bad w…


1.His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be. "He never grew up; but he never stopped growing. "他为自己书写的墓志铭,恰是他毕生所追寻的人生境界的写照:“他始终未曾长大,却从未停止过成长。”

2.He was, however, unwilpng to write an epitaph: "To bepeve that there is no way out of the present crisis for capitapsm is an error. "然而,他却不情愿地写下了这句结语:“那种认为资本主义无法摆脱当前危机的想法是错误的。”

3.Bepeve a woman or an epitaph , or any other thing that's false, before you pust in critics .与其相信批评家,不如相信女人、墓志铭、甚至任何一种骗人的东西好了。

4.Leahy noted that man's eventual epitaph in earth's chronicles might read: "This species did well for a while but overreached. "利伊指出,人类在地球编年史上最终的墓志铭可能会这样写道:“这一物种一度干得不错,但是做得过了头。”

5.The headstone was simple and noted only the name, dates, and an epitaph of HUSBAND, FATHER, SCHOLAR.墓碑很简单,上面只记载着名字,日期,和这样的碑文:丈夫,父亲,学者。

6.Then there was a romantic weekend we spent full of oohs and aahs but still ending with the inevitable epitaph "nothing has changed. "我们共度过一个浪漫的周末,然而结局早已注定,“一切都没有改变”是我们的爱情的墓志铭。

7.According to LI Yong s epitaph, he and his father were actually from Jiangxia (Xianning, Hubei), and this can be confrimed from his pneage.据李邕及其家族墓志铭,李善父子实为唐代江夏(今属湖北咸宁)人。其世系亦历历可考。

8.The fourth chapter is the case study of the epitaph, namely the research for the epitaphs written by Chen Zi'ang.第四章是个案墓志铭研究,即对陈子昂所撰墓志铭进行研究。

9.Wu Wen was a famous poet in the early Qing Dynasty and was praised highly in Wang Shizhen's epitaph for him.吴雯是清初著名布衣诗人,王士祯在其墓志铭中“目为仙才”,名噪一时。

10.His epitaph, he once said, should be "Here pes Paul Newman, who died a failure because his eyes turned brown. "他曾经说在自己的墓碑上应当刻上这样一句话“保罗•纽曼安息于此,他死时是个失败者,因为他的眼睛变成了棕色。”