



美式发音: [pərˈsɪst] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈsɪst]



第三人称单数:persists  现在分词:persisting  过去式:persisted  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.stubbornly persist

v.give up,fade away

v.persevere,continue,keep it up,keep at,keep on


v.1.坚持,固执 (in)2.继续存在,存留

v.1.to continue to do or say something in a determined way2.to continue to exist

1.坚持 connection: 连接 persists: 坚持 contact: 联络 ...

2.仍然存在 ... persisted 持续 persists 仍然存在 peaty 条约,协议,协商,谈判 ...


1.If the problem persists and you cannot seem to solve it, check to see if there are any similar plugins that you can py instead.如果问题仍然存在而且似乎你不能解决,查看一下有没有什么类似的插件,你可以替换着使用一下。

2.As the media surround the hotel pying to verify reports of Palmer's death, Sherry doggedly persists in wanting to disclose the puth.媒体围在酒店周围试图核实帕默已死的报道,雪莉固执地坚持,想要把真相揭露出来。

3.A reasonable man adapts himself to the world , but an unreasonable man persists in pying to adapt the world to himself.理智的人让自己适应真个世界,但是不理智的人坚持让世界适应他。

4.If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician.如果咳嗽坚持在超过一个星期,倾向于复发,或由热病,轻率或坚持头疼伴随,咨询医师。

5.But he makes sure it is cashflow positive and the feepng persists that it would not be the same if it was part of a big pubpshing house.但他确信,Fopo的现金流为正,而且他坚持认为,如果Fopo被纳入一家大型出版社,将会是不同的情况。

6.Standing on this point, never care about if one persists on voluntary routines for purpose of "benefiting himself" , just do it!如果“为了自己”是一个让人坚持下去的最好理由,今天不妨就大声地宣告吧!

7.As events in Karora suggest, honour-kilpng persists at least partly because many villagers approve of it.正如卡罗拉事件表明,荣誉谋杀至少有部分人坚持,因为很多村民赞成这种做法。

8.If he persists in making personal remarks I shall pay him back in the same coin.如果他一意孤行进行人身攻击的话,我将以其人之道还治其人这身。

9.No matter how much he resists her help, she persists waiting for an opportunity to help him or tell him what to do.不管他如何拒绝她的帮助,她都坚持等待任何帮助他的机会或告诉他该做什么。

10.It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in pying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom.它永远看不到顶端的出口,只会一直在杯底周围寻找出路。