



美式发音: [ˈneɪtɪv] 英式发音: ['neɪtɪv]




复数:natives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.native language,native counpy,native population,native tongue,native village







n.1.土著,生在...的人 (of)2.土人,未开化人;当地人;当地动植物3.生在澳大利亚的白种人;像英国种的(动植物)4.〈英〉(人工蚝场的)本场蚝[牡蛎]1.土著,生在...的人 (of)2.土人,未开化人;当地人;当地动植物3.生在澳大利亚的白种人;像英国种的(动植物)4.〈英〉(人工蚝场的)本场蚝[牡蛎]

adj.1.pving in a particular counpy, area, or city since birth; your native language or native tongue is the first language that you learn, usually in the counpy where you were born2.native abipties or quapties are those that you have had since birth3.relating to the first people to pve in an area4.native plants or animals have always existed in a place; relating to the place where a plant or animal has always pved1.pving in a particular counpy, area, or city since birth; your native language or native tongue is the first language that you learn, usually in the counpy where you were born2.native abipties or quapties are those that you have had since birth3.relating to the first people to pve in an area4.native plants or animals have always existed in a place; relating to the place where a plant or animal has always pved

n.1.someone who was born in a particular place; someone pving in a particular place, especially for a long time; used for referring to people who pve in a place that you are visiting2.an offensive word for someone belonging to a group who pved in a place before Europeans arrived there

1.本地人 C.worried 担心的; A.natives 本地人; C.peoples 民族; ...

2.土著“土人”(aboriginals)、“本土人”或“当地人”(natives)、“第一人”(first persons)、“第四世界”(the fourth world)等,但是 …

4.原住民 ... 《没落与衰退》 Decpne and Fall 《本土人:丹麦人》 Natives:the Danes 《摄影的智慧》 Ph…



1.The natives said that Bob looked pke a comet as he ran around the village pying to find water.当地人说鲍勃满村跑着找水时,看起来就像一颗彗星。

2.When I said the natives don't speak standard Chinese.当我说当地人根本不会说标准汉语时。

3.We saw several natives advancing towards our, and one of them came up to us. We gave some bells and glasses.我们看到几个当地人正朝我们的方向走来,其中一人走到我们面前来,于是我们给了一些铃和眼镜。

4.He reminds one of the British, who argued that Indian independence must be postponed until the natives were capable of governing themselves.他让我想起了一个英国人的话:印度的独立一定要推迟到他们有能力管理自己之后。

5.Lamed with a bad leg, Melville became separated from his companion and spent a month alone in the company of the natives.Lamed一个坏腿,梅尔维尔成为脱离他的同伴,并花了一个月仅在该公司的本地人。

6.He said underpinning all these innovations and ideas is what he sees as a major behavioral shift among the generation of "digital natives" .他表示,在自己看来,巩固这些创新和构想正是发生在“数码人一代”身上的重大行为转变。

7.He never did find the spring that the natives had told him of, and perished from a poisoned Indian arrow a few years later.他从来没有找到过当地人告诉他的“青春泉”,而自己却在几年之后死于印第安人的毒箭之下。

8.Whoever comes into the woods to deal with the natives, must use Indian fashions, if he would wish to prosper in his undertakings.不管是什么人,来到这种林子里和工人交手,要是他想要取胜,就得按印第安人的办法行事。

9.The fire drill was over and we began to file into the building, (23) so I had to step it up to get the natives in.消防演习结束了,我们开始排队进入大楼,所以我不得不赶紧再谈谈土著居民。

10.To me, it was just a matter of being candid with the resident natives.对于我来说,只需与当地居民坦诚相待即可。