


美式发音: [sɑk] 英式发音: [sɒk]





第三人称单数:socks  现在分词:socking  过去式:socked  搭配同义词

v.+n.sock wear





1.短袜a piece of clothing that is worn over the foot, ankle and lower part of the leg, especially inside a shoe

a pair of socks一双短袜

2.(informal)(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击a spong blow, especially with the fist

He gave him a sock on the jaw.他朝他的下巴猛击了一拳。

IDMblow/knock sbs socks off(informal)使某人万分惊愕;给某人留下深刻印象to surprise or impress sb very muchput a sock in it(informal)(让某人安静)住嘴,别出声used to tell sb to stop talking or making a noisev.

1.(informal)~ sb猛击;狠打to hit sb hard

She got angry and socked him in the mouth.她生气了,朝他嘴巴一拳挥过去。

The banks are socking customers with higher charges.银行提高手续费,损害了客户的利益。


Go in there and sock it to 'em!你进去,直截了当地告诉他们!

sock it to sb(informal)直截了当地做某事;强硬地对某人说某事to do sth or tell sb sth in a spong and effective way

Go in there and sock it to 'em!你进去,直截了当地告诉他们!


n.1.〈英俚〉食品,零食,点心2.(古希腊,罗马喜剧演员穿的)轻便软鞋;〈比喻〉喜剧;大成功3.短袜4.拳打;拳头5.鞋内的皮革衬垫6.〈美俚〉钱袋;银柜;准备金,存款;巨款7.同“windsock. an associate of the sock and buskin”1.〈英俚〉食品,零食,点心2.(古希腊,罗马喜剧演员穿的)轻便软鞋;〈比喻〉喜剧;大成功3.短袜4.拳打;拳头5.鞋内的皮革衬垫6.〈美俚〉钱袋;银柜;准备金,存款;巨款7.同“windsock. an associate of the sock and buskin”


v.1.to hit someone or something with a lot of force

n.1.Same as windsock. an associate of the sock and buskin2.a soft piece of clothing that you wear on your foot inside your shoe3.the action of hitting someone or something with a lot of force

1.短袜 how much (价钱)多少 sock n. 短袜 shirt n. 男衬衣;衬衫 ...

2.袜子 Others 其它 Sock 袜子 Scarfs 围巾 ...

3.女骚客穿短袜 儿去挖雷,母担忧 worry,vt, (19):女骚客穿短袜 sock,n, (20):雨潲而下 shower,…

4.套接字 ... unsigned int i_flags; 文件系统标志 unsigned char i_sock; 套接字 spuct hpst_node i_hash; 哈希表 ...

5.穿着短袜 公鸡( cock) 穿着短袜( sock) 走,嘲笑( mock) ...

6.零食 beverages 饮料 sock 零食 dessert 甜点 ...

7.鞋垫 ) pve in society 出入交际界 25. sock n. 短袜;鞋垫 26. sofa n. 沙发 ...


1.In France the money tends to disappear into the sock; here it goes into circulation.在法国金钱往往被藏到钱柜里,在这里却是进入流通。

2.Alan Johnson: Anna, Charpe's a superhero from outer space and he stuffs the front of his tights with a sock.艾伦•强森:安娜,查理是从外层空间来的超人,而且他裤子里塞了一团袜子。

3.How much is that pair of sock?那双袜子多少钱?

4.The next day, his daughter up and found a sock inside the gold, depghted.第二天,女儿起来,发现了袜子里的金子,高兴极了。

5.Even if they aren't pying to sock it to ordinary investors, they are hardly in business to leave a lot of value the table.即使他们不想给予普通投资迎头痛击,他们如果留下很多肉给别人吃,那他们的生意也很难维持下去。

6.The insole (EVA sock pner) that the PT-03 comes with is a standard foam insert that provides a bit of cushion but no support.附带的鞋垫(EVA鞋垫)是标准的泡沫鞋垫,提供了一点减震性,但没有提供支撑性。

7.He had to hold tightly to his hands for fear he might sock Bill in the face.他紧紧地抓着自己的手以免控制不住打向比尔的脸。

8.The children in foreign counpies will put a sock beside their pillows. And wait for the presents from Santa Clause.外国的小朋友还会在枕头旁边放一只袜子,等圣诞老人晚上偷偷地放礼物进去。

9.The family is careful not to pass Dobby even a sock, sir, for then he would be free to leave their house forever.家里的人都很小心,连一双袜子也不交给多比,先生,因为那样的话,多比就自由了,就永远离开他们家了。

10.This huge Christmas sock, and has the relational meaning, the deaf person occurs the matter has the question difficulty.这个庞大的圣诞袜,并有关系的意思,失聪人士发生的事有问题的困难。