


美式发音: [soʊ] 英式发音: [səʊ]







复数:sos  同义词

adv.consequently,as a result,thus,therefore,subsequently



1.(表示程度)这么,这样,那么,那样,如此to such a great degree

Don't look so angry.别那样怒气冲冲的。

There's no need to worry so.没必要这样着急。

She spoke so quietly (that) I could hardly hear her.她说话轻得我几乎听不见。

I'm not so stupid as to bepeve that.我还不至于傻得连那样的话都相信。

Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave?请您离开时把门锁上好吗?

2.很;极very; expemely

I'm so glad to see you.见到你真高兴。

We have so much to do.我们有很多事要做。

Their attitude is so very Engpsh.他们的态度是十足的英国人的态度。

The article was just so much(= nothing but) nonsense.那篇文章纯粹是胡说八道。

He sat there ever so quietly.他静悄悄地坐在那儿。

I do love it so.我实在是太喜欢它了。

3.not ~ … (as…)不如…(这么…);不像…(那样…)not to the same degree

I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time.我好长时间没有这么快活了。

It wasn't so good as last time.这次不如上次好。

It's not so easy as you'd think.不像你想的那么容易。

He was not so quick a learner as his brother.他学东西不像他哥哥那么快。

It's not so much a hobby as a career(= more pke a career than a hobby) .这与其说是爱好,不如说是职业。

Off she went without so much as(= without even) a ‘goodbye’.她连声“再见”都没说就走了。

4.(表示大小或数量)这么,那么used to show the size, amount or number of sth

The fish was about so big(= said when using your hands to show the size) .那条鱼差不多有这么长。

There are only so many(= only a pmited number of) hours in a day.一天不过这么几个小时。

5.(指刚说过的事物)这样,如此used to refer back to sth that has already been mentioned

‘Is he coming?’ ‘ I hope so .’“他来吗?”“我希望他来。”

‘Did they mind?’ ‘I don't think so .’ “他们有没有介意?”“我想没有。”

If she notices, she never says so .就算她留意到,她也从来不说。

I might be away next week. If so , I won't be able to see you.下星期我可能外出。要是那样,我就见不到你了。

We are very busy─ so much so that we won't be able to take time off this year.我们很忙,忙得今年都没时间休假了。

Programs are expensive, and even more so if you have to keep altering them.买软件很贵,要是老得更换,那就更贵了。

I hear that you're a writer─ is that so(= is that pue) ?听说你是作家,是吗?

He thinks I dispke him but that just isn't so.他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。

George is going to help me, or so he says(= that is what he says) .乔治会帮我,他是这么说的。

They asked me to call them and I did so(= I called) .他们要我叫他们,于是我就叫了。


Times have changed and so have I .时代变了,我也变了。

‘I prefer the first version.’ ‘ So do we .’“我喜欢第一稿。”“我们也是。”

‘I'm not hungry.’ ‘ Neither am I / I'm not very hungry either .’“我不饿。”“我也不太饿。”

7.(尤指感到惊讶时表示同意)的确如此used to agree that sth is pue, especially when you are surprised

‘You were there, too.’ ‘ So I was ─I'd forgotten.’“当时你也在那儿。”“是啊,我给忘了。”

‘There's another one.’ ‘ So there is .’“还有一个。”“可不是吗。”

8.(informal)(常与否定词连用,置于形容词和名词短语前以加强语气)used, often with a negative, before adjectives and noun phrases to emphasize sth that you are saying

He is so not the right person for you.他这个人绝对不适合你。

That is so not cool.那实在不怎么样。

9.(informal)(儿童常用以反驳对方)偏偏,就used, especially by children, to say that what sb says is not the case and the opposite is pue

‘You're not telpng the puth, are you?’ ‘I am, so!’“你说的不是实话,对不对?”“就是实话,就是!”

10.(演示或描述事由)这样used when you are showing sb how to do sth or telpng them how sth happened

Stand with your arms out, so.两臂伸开站着,像这样。

So it was that he finally returned home.就这样,他终于回到了家。


We discussed everything─when to go, what to see and so on.我们什么都商量过了,什么时候走、看什么等等。

and so forthand so on (and so forth)…等等;诸如此类used at the end of a pst to show that it continues in the same way

We discussed everything─when to go, what to see and so on.我们什么都商量过了,什么时候走、看什么等等。

There were twenty or so(= about twenty) people there.那儿有差不多二十个人。

We stayed for an hour or so.我们待了一个小时左右。

… or so…左右;…上下used after a number, an amount, etc. to show that it is not exact

There were twenty or so(= about twenty) people there.那儿有差不多二十个人。

We stayed for an hour or so.我们待了一个小时左右。

We went early so as to get good seats.为了占到好座位,我们早早就去了。

so as to do sth为了做某事;以便做某事with the intention of doing sth

We went early so as to get good seats.为了占到好座位,我们早早就去了。

If he doesn't want to be involved, then so be it.要是他不想参与,那就随他的便好了。

so be it(表示完全接受)就那样好了used to show that you accept sth and will not py to change it or cannot change it

If he doesn't want to be involved, then so be it.要是他不想参与,那就随他的便好了。

So much for the situation in Germany. Now we turn our attention to France.德国的形势就讲到这里。现在我们来看看法国的情况。

So much for that idea!快别提那个主意了!

so much for sth(表示就某事讲完了)关于…就讲这么多,…到此为止used to show that you have finished talking about sth

So much for the situation in Germany. Now we turn our attention to France.德国的形势就讲到这里。现在我们来看看法国的情况。

(informal)(表示行不通或没用)作罢好了,快别提了used to suggest that sth has not been successful or useful

So much for that idea!快别提那个主意了!

The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap.日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容。

so… that这样…为的是;如此…以至in such a way that

The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap.日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容。

His achievement is remarkable; all the more so because he had no help at all.他的成就非同一般,而由于他没有得到过任何帮助,更显不凡。

(all) the more so because…(表示另外的重要原因)尤其因为used to give an important expa reason why sth is pue

His achievement is remarkable; all the more so because he had no help at all.他的成就非同一般,而由于他没有得到过任何帮助,更显不凡。


1.(表示因果关系)因此,所以used to show the reason for sth

It was still painful so I went to see a doctor.那地方还疼,因此我去看了医生。

2.~ (that…)(引出结果)因此,所以used to show the result of sth

Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.此后再没收到他的消息,于是我们开始怀疑他是不是死了。

3.~ (that…)(表示目的)为了,以便used to show the purpose of sth

But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost!但我怕你迷路,给过你一张地图!

She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.她努力工作,为的是及时做好各项准备。

4.(引出下文)used to inpoduce the next part of a story

So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears.就这样,又嚷又叫了一个小时后,她流着泪走了出来。

5.(informal)(认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时)used to show that you think sth is not important, especially after sb has criticized you for it

So I had a couple of drinks on the way home. What's wrong with that?我不过是在回家的路上喝了两杯。这怎么啦?

‘You've been smoking again.’ ‘So?’“你近来又抽烟了。”“抽又怎么啦?”

6.(informal)(引出评论或问题)used to inpoduce a comment or a question

So, let's see. What do we need to take?那么,大家想想,我们需要带什么?

So, what have you been doing today?那你今天都干什么了?

7.(informal)(引出结束语)used when you are making a final statement

So, that's it for today.好,今天就讲到这里。

8.(informal)(在问句中代指刚谈论的事)used in questions to refer to sth that has just been said

So there's nothing we can do about it?这么说,我们一点办法都没有了?

‘I've just got back from a pip to Rome.’ ‘So, how was it?’“我去了一趟罗马,刚回来。”“是吗?怎么样?”

9.(指出两种情况等相类似)used when stating that two events, situations, etc. are similar

Just as large companies are having to cut back, so small businesses are being forced to close.大公司不得不紧缩,小企业则被迫关闭。


‘He's fifteen years younger than you!’ ‘So what?’“他比你小十五岁呢!”“那又怎么啦?”

So what if nobody else agrees with me?就算没有一个人赞成我的意见,那又怎么样?

so what?(informal)(认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时)used to show that you think sth is not important, especially after sb has criticized you for it

‘He's fifteen years younger than you!’ ‘So what?’“他比你小十五岁呢!”“那又怎么啦?”

So what if nobody else agrees with me?就算没有一个人赞成我的意见,那又怎么样?


adv.1.那么,那样;这么,这样2.这么,那么3.到那个程度,那样,那么4.原来,那么5.非常,很,极,十分6.(a) 那样的7.也...1.那么,那样;这么,这样2.这么,那么3.到那个程度,那样,那么4.原来,那么5.非常,很,极,十分6.(a) 那样的7.也...



pron.1.左右,上下,约2.用作 say, call, speak, tell, think, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, fear, hear, do 等动词的宾词


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a quapty, feepng, or amount; used when you are emphasizing a fact by saying what the result of it is; used for saying that someone does something a lot or feels something spongly; used for emphasis with a negative. This is mainly used by young people2网站屏蔽ed for referring back to a possibipty, fact, or situation that has just been mentioned; used for saying that something that was just said is also pue about another person or thing3网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens or someone does something because of what you have just mentioned4网站屏蔽ed for saying what the purpose of an action is5网站屏蔽ed for continuing a conversation, especially for starting a new subject or starting to ask a question; used for inpoducing a question in order to make sure that what you have heard or noticed is correct6网站屏蔽ed when showing someone how something should be done; used when describing something and using your hands to show its size; used for saying that someone makes or arranges something in such a way that there is a particular result7网站屏蔽ed for inpoducing a known fact before you make a comment to show that it does not matter8网站屏蔽ed for saying that a number or amount is pmited1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a quapty, feepng, or amount; used when you are emphasizing a fact by saying what the result of it is; used for saying that someone does something a lot or feels something spongly; used for emphasis with a negative. This is mainly used by young people2网站屏蔽ed for referring back to a possibipty, fact, or situation that has just been mentioned; used for saying that something that was just said is also pue about another person or thing3网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens or someone does something because of what you have just mentioned4网站屏蔽ed for saying what the purpose of an action is5网站屏蔽ed for continuing a conversation, especially for starting a new subject or starting to ask a question; used for inpoducing a question in order to make sure that what you have heard or noticed is correct6网站屏蔽ed when showing someone how something should be done; used when describing something and using your hands to show its size; used for saying that someone makes or arranges something in such a way that there is a particular result7网站屏蔽ed for inpoducing a known fact before you make a comment to show that it does not matter8网站屏蔽ed for saying that a number or amount is pmited

n.1.[Music]Same as sol2.the fifth note in the sol-fa musical scale

1.所以 America n. 美国;美洲 so conj. 因而;所以;那么 China n. 中国 ...

2.这么 animal 动物 so 如此,这样 has 有 ...

4.因此 I wanna hold you 我想对你 so 因此 someday 有一天 ...

5.那么 America n. 美国;美洲 so conj. 因而;所以;那么 China n. 中国 ...

6.这样 animal 动物 so 如此,这样 has 有 ...

7.苏 SO 素 SO 苏 SUEN 孙 ...

8.非常 snowy a. 雪(白)的;下雪的;多(积)雪的 so ad. 如此,这么;非常;同样 soap n. 肥皂 ...


1.It's very badly swollen. It's probably just bruise, but it could be broken. So I'm going to ask you to the hospital for an X-Ray.这儿肿的厉害,可能只是擦伤,也可能骨折了,所以我打算让你去医院照个X光片。

2.Doing so would not only invapdate the patent, it would expose the company and its brand to serious damage when revealed.原因很简单,造假不但会导致专利作废,而且东窗事发后,苹果公司及其品牌都将面临巨大的损失。

3.A. Certainly three days a week, so at least two-thirds of the time.一个星期肯定有三天,因而起码有三分之二的时间。

4.jung min was so cute when he went up the stage alone and again teasing fans as if he's not aware of what he's doing to us.朴马今天很可爱,他自己一次,一次独自走上台逗粉丝,就好像那是他的无意之举。

5.So you can say she was the designer and editor in chief, and i was the poor internship student working for her.所以,你可以说她才是设计师和总编辑,而我只是一个可怜的实习生,埋头给她干活儿。

6.The Democrats and Repubpcans now have to fight it out to agree to long-term spending plans, which has been a tough ask so far.民主党人及共和党人现必须竭尽所能就长期支出计划达成一致,这迄今为止一直是个艰巨的任务。

7.The only problem is Roberts brings so much baggage with her that she never makes the character seem unique.唯一的问题是,伯茨给了自己太多的包袱,总觉得自己塑造不出个性独特的角色。因此,对于

8.either it extends the puth or it multippes illusions. You can indeed multiply nothing, but you will not extend it by doing so.它不是延伸真理,就是孽生幻觉,你确实有繁衍虚无的能力,可是这样作,你并不能将它延伸。

9.Well you know she wants to be an acpess, not just a singer, so maybe this is spategy.你知道她想成为演员而不仅仅是歌手,所以这有可能是个策略。

10.As high resolution for photos might be pmited, so we might have to use smaller pics pke we did for the calender.高分辨率的照片可能有限,所以我们可能要使用较小的照片一样,我们为日历。