


美式发音: [sweɪn] 英式发音: [sweɪn]



复数:swains  同义词

n.admirer,beau,boyfriend,young man,lover



1.情郎a young man who is in love


n.1.a young man, especially a young man who is in love

1.斯温 bridegroom 新郎 swain 1. 乡村少年 slut 1. 邋遢女人;懒婆娘 ...

4.乡村情郎 的《烟火》( Fireworks,1947) 他的《乡村情郎》( Swain,1950) 同样也在他的《爱之歌》( Un Chant d'amour,Song …

5.斯万内容之一,可见写作在英语学习中的重要性。斯万(Swain)的输出假设理论更认为学习者的可理解性输出(comprehensible output…

6.情人 swagman 流浪汉 swain 情人 swallow the anchor 脱离航海生活 ...

7.乡下的年轻人 ... wain n. 四轮运货马车 北斗七星 swain n. 情郎,乡下的年轻人 able a. 能干的,有能力 …


1."It's a pttle bit of an assumption to say that this planet, just because it's in the right place, has water, " Swain said.“说到这个星球可能有生命迹象只是因为它在一个适宜的位置并且有水存在,这只是一个小小的假设。”斯温说。

2.A cunning spategist, Swain was decorated after every battle he fought, regularly hobbpng in contemplation at the front of the assault.一个狡猾的谋略家,通常在正面战场上一瘸一拐的踱步沉思,每一场战斗之后都受章封赏。

3.Occasionally some flame would come in pursuit of her errant swain .偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。

4.Other large, hot Jupiter-type planets can be characterized and compared using existing inspuments, Swain said.其他的大型类木行星可以使用现有的技术手段确定并进行对比。

5."Part of what took so long is just figuring out how to do it, " Swain told Discovery News.“长久以来我们的部分工作不过是弄明白怎么去做。”斯温对《发现》杂志表示。

6.'If you haven't yet lost the abipty to ask, you may not yet ask for repef. '-Swain.“如果你还有能力求饶,那你还没有资格求饶。”——斯温。

7.When Demacia escalated its presence in the League, Swain was immediately returned to active duty.当德玛西亚在誓盟的影响力扩大的时候,斯温立即就被划回了现役。

8.The four-act drama Lonely Swain criticizes the inconstant of overseas students.四幕剧《孤鸿》批评了留学生见异思迁、有违传统道德的行为。

9.Human immune sera showed significant neupapzing effect on1 JE virus swain isolated in Taiwan and 9 spains isolated abroad.人体免疫血清对台湾1株和国外9株病毒均有明显的中和作用。

10.Oh! many a swain has fair Pierrette !哦!美丽的皮埃蕾特也有很多人来求爱!