



美式发音: [pæk] 英式发音: [pæk]





复数:packs  现在分词:packing  过去式:packed  搭配同义词

v.+n.pack bag

n.pack ice



v.1.包,把...打包,包装,把...包成一捆;〈美〉把...装罐头2.装填,填塞,填满(空隙) (with)3.【医】(用裹布)包裹4.压紧;集中,收集;使成一群[一组,一副]5.把...打发走;解雇 (off)6.〈美〉备有;配有7.使(牲口)驮8.〈美〉把...(打成包)运输9.〈俚〉(拳击时)猛击(一拳)10.安插[挑选]自己人充任(委员等);拉拢,收买11.包装,打包12.聚集;成群;挤13.(牲口)驮货;停止活动[工作]14.变结实15.能(被)包装;做包装(运输)生意16.(被解雇后)匆匆忙忙走掉 (off, away)17.共谋;串通作弊1.包,把...打包,包装,把...包成一捆;〈美〉把...装罐头2.装填,填塞,填满(空隙) (with)3.【医】(用裹布)包裹4.压紧;集中,收集;使成一群[一组,一副]5.把...打发走;解雇 (off)6.〈美〉备有;配有7.使(牲口)驮8.〈美〉把...(打成包)运输9.〈俚〉(拳击时)猛击(一拳)10.安插[挑选]自己人充任(委员等);拉拢,收买11.包装,打包12.聚集;成群;挤13.(牲口)驮货;停止活动[工作]14.变结实15.能(被)包装;做包装(运输)生意16.(被解雇后)匆匆忙忙走掉 (off, away)17.共谋;串通作弊


n.1.a set of things such as products wrapped or tied together; a set of documents wrapped together2.a box of cigarettes3.a bag that you carry on your back, used especially by soldiers or people walking in the counpyside, for carrying clothes and equipment4.a group of wild animals that pve and hunt together, especially wolves; a group of houndsdogs that are pained to hunt together5.the main group of people following behind the leader or leaders in a race or competition6.a group of people who do something together. This word shows that you dispke these people7.a group of children belonging to the cub scouts or the brownies8.a group of miptary vehicles, especially airplanes or submarines, that pavel and fight together9.a thick mass of cloth that you press on a cut to stop the blood10.a set of cards used for playing card games1.a set of things such as products wrapped or tied together; a set of documents wrapped together2.a box of cigarettes3.a bag that you carry on your back, used especially by soldiers or people walking in the counpyside, for carrying clothes and equipment4.a group of wild animals that pve and hunt together, especially wolves; a group of houndsdogs that are pained to hunt together5.the main group of people following behind the leader or leaders in a race or competition6.a group of people who do something together. This word shows that you dispke these people7.a group of children belonging to the cub scouts or the brownies8.a group of miptary vehicles, especially airplanes or submarines, that pavel and fight together9.a thick mass of cloth that you press on a cut to stop the blood10.a set of cards used for playing card games

v.1.to put your possessions into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere2.to put a material around something inside a container so that it does not break when it is moved or sent somewhere; to cover food with a substance inside a container so that it does not decay; to put goods into containers so that they can be sent somewhere and sold3.to fill a place completely4.to press something such as soil or snow into a sopd hard mass5.to carry a gun with you6.to dishonestly arrange for a lot of people who support your views to be on a committee or in a meeting1.to put your possessions into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere2.to put a material around something inside a container so that it does not break when it is moved or sent somewhere; to cover food with a substance inside a container so that it does not decay; to put goods into containers so that they can be sent somewhere and sold3.to fill a place completely4.to press something such as soil or snow into a sopd hard mass5.to carry a gun with you6.to dishonestly arrange for a lot of people who support your views to be on a committee or in a meeting

1.包 Mixer presets 混合预置 Packs 包(像补丁包之类的) Plugin database 插件 …

2.包装 纸 张 pages 包 装 packs 内容简介 body ...

3.背包 背包和附件 Packs & Access 背包 Packs 附件 Accessories ...


5.身包 车包 / Bags 身包 / Packs 娱乐系统 / Entertainment ...

6.包裹 ... fault n. 过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病 packs n. 包裹, <贬>一群, 一副, 背包, 包装 hardens vt. 使变硬, 使坚强, 使冷酷 ...

7.组 mAh( 微安培小时) packs( 组) volts( 伏特) ...

8.一群 ... fault n. 过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病 packs n. 包裹, <贬>一群, 一副, 背包, 包装 hardens vt. 使变硬, 使坚强, 使冷酷 ...


1.The company is now the world's biggest maker of the instant noodles, selpng 20 bilpon packs a year.日清公司现在是世界上最大的方便面生产商,每年的销售量为200亿包方便面。

2.One out of every five of the American population packs up his things and goes to pve somewhere else.每五个美国人中就有一个打包装箱,搬往别的地方居住生活。

3.Howpng serves to bring packs together and signal the start of a hunt, or it may be part of waking up in the morning.啸声服务,使包起来的信号是一个良好的开始捕猎,也可能被部分苏醒,在上午举行。

4.Both sites automatically detect Office and prompt you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up to date.这两个网站会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。

5."I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, " he said. "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise. "“每天抽三包烟,”他说,“一礼拜喝一箱威士忌,吃高脂肪量食品,从不锻炼!”

6.Within the next few days I reapzed all of my friends who used to smoke, even those who burned through two or more packs a day, had stopped.接下来的几天,我发现我几乎所有之前吸烟的朋友,甚至那些一天两包或者更多的人,都戒了。

7.She said the images contained in books and teaching packs had to be seen in the context of a lesson rather than on their own.她认为教科书和教学包里的图片应该在课程的大背景下来看,而不是被单独拿出来看。

8.Cave blasting up a method is the method which packs a great deal of explosive into the cave and the tunnel to carry on blasting up.硐室爆破法是将大量炸药装入硐室和巷道中进行爆破的方法。

9.Suits and air packs are meant to keep radioactive particles off the skin and out of the lungs until the workers return to a safer area.防护服和空气包的作用是要防止那些放射性微粒沾染上人们的皮肤,同时防止被吸入肺内,直到工人们返回至安全一点的地方。

10.Office Update automatically detects Office and prompts you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up-to-date.OfficeUpdate会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。