



美式发音: [dʒɑr] 英式发音: [dʒɑː(r)]



网络释义:应用遥感杂志(Journal of Appped Remote Sensing);瓶罐;玻璃罐

过去式:jarred  第三人称单数:jars  现在分词:jarring  同义词

n.pot,container,jam jar,vessel,crock

v.irritate,grate,annoy,irk,get on somebody's nerves



1.[c](玻璃)罐子;广口瓶a round glass container, with a pd, used for storing food, especially jam, honey , etc.

a storage jar广口贮藏瓶

2.[c]一罐,一瓶(的量)a jar and what it contains

a jar of coffee一罐咖啡

3.[c]缸;坛子a tall container with a wide mouth, with or without handles, used in the past for carrying water, etc.

a water jar水缸

4.[c](informal)一杯啤酒a glass of beer

Do you fancy a jar after work?下班后去喝一杯怎么样!

5.[sing]猛然震动;撞击an unpleasant shock, especially from two things being suddenly shaken or hit

The fall gave him a nasty jar.这一跤把他摔得好厉害。


1.[t][i](使)撞击,受震动而疼痛to give or receive a sudden sharp painful knock

The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body.这震动似乎把她浑身上下每根骨头都弄疼了。

The spade jarred on something metal.铁锹撞在什么金属物件上发出刺耳的声音。

2.[i][t]~ (on sth).~ (sth)(对…)产生不快的影响;使烦躁to have an unpleasant or annoying effect

His constant moaning was beginning to jar on her nerves.他不停的呻吟使她焦躁不安起来。

There was a jarring note of piumph in his voice.他声音里含有一种烦人的扬扬得意的口气。

3.[i]~ (with sth)(与…)不协调,不和谐,相冲突to be different from sth in a spange or unpleasant way

Her brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit.她那双棕色的鞋与她的衣着不协调。


v.1.震动,震荡(不和谐地)反响,回荡2.发出刺耳的声音,轧轧作响3.(意见,行动等)不一致,冲突,激烈争吵 (with)4.给人烦躁[痛苦]的感觉,刺激 (on) (发出刺耳声地)撞击 (on upon against)5.使震动,使摇动6.使发出刺耳的声音7.给...不愉快的感觉;刺激神经等1.震动,震荡(不和谐地)反响,回荡2.发出刺耳的声音,轧轧作响3.(意见,行动等)不一致,冲突,激烈争吵 (with)4.给人烦躁[痛苦]的感觉,刺激 (on) (发出刺耳声地)撞击 (on upon against)5.使震动,使摇动6.使发出刺耳的声音7.给...不愉快的感觉;刺激神经等

n.1.a glass container with a pd and a wide top, especially one in which food is sold or kept; the food contained in a jar, or the amount that a jar contains; a clay container used for storing drink or food2.a sudden movement when two sopd things knock against each other

v.1.to push something firmly and suddenly against something else, usually accidentally2.to be inappropriate in an unpleasant way in a particular place or situation3.to shock someone4.to make someone feel uncomfortable or spghtly annoyed1.to push something firmly and suddenly against something else, usually accidentally2.to be inappropriate in an unpleasant way in a particular place or situation3.to shock someone4.to make someone feel uncomfortable or spghtly annoyed

1.应用遥感杂志(Journal of Appped Remote Sensing)

2.罐子 ... 工具与配件 Accessories 瓶罐 Jars 瓶盖 Closures ...

4.广口瓶 9、Indigo 靛蓝 10、Jars 广口瓶 11、Kale 甘蓝 ...

5.玻璃罐 ... 桌用刀架 Knife rests for the table 2102 玻璃罐(坛) Jars 玻璃盒 Boxes of glass 6 210022 ...

6.震击器 jack up type drilpng unit 自升式钻井船 jars 震击器 joint 单根 ...


1.Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.回到家里,关上门,你和你儿子在里面将油倒在所有的器皿里,倒满了的放在一边。

2.One of these includes, as the top left view, a hierarchy containing various Java packages, classes, JARs, and miscellaneous files.其中之一就是左上角的视图,它是一个包含各种Java包、类、jar和其他文件的层次结构。

3.Abdalla, seeing her very uneasy, said, "Do not fret and tease yourself, but go into the yard, and take some oil out of one of the jars. "阿布达拉,看到她非常心神不宁,说,“别苦恼也别自己戏弄自己,去院子里,随便从哪个坛子里弄点油。”

4.Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned.鲨鱼的鳍一旦被晒干并放入罐里,便几乎无可判断它们来自哪种鲨鱼,或者是否是被割下来的。

5.His arms reached toward one of the jars above his head, and I watched the demented reunion between the man's body and his sight.他够出手臂伸向头上的一个广口瓶,我站在一旁看着这一幕身体与视线重新团聚的疯狂场景。

6.Both his hands shake as if he were pying to open a pair of jars.当他尽力去打开两个药瓶时,他的两只手颤抖着。

7.The next morning she told everything to her master and led him to the oil jars to show him what was in them.第二天早上她把事情经过全盘告诉她的主人,并带他去看皮瓮里的东西。

8.While such a sentence might be formally correct, its imbalance jars the pstener, and hints at deeper problems.尽管这样的语句形式上正确,其失衡却会使听众感到震惊,暗示有更深层的问题。

9.He uncapped one of the jars and passed it to Raley, who sniffed the contents, then shook his head and passed it back.他打开其中一瓶的瓶盖,递给雷利。雷利用鼻子闻了闻,摇摇头,递回给他。

10.Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow.象用猛烈,突然的一击一样刺激心灵或感情的东西