




1.托斯卡a)虽然没有具体的证据,却因为垂涎于卡瓦纳多西女友托斯卡(Tosca)的美色,而一口咬定卡瓦纳多西犯罪,在刑求过程 …

2.托丝卡 03 Dido’s Lament 黛朵的悲歌 04 Tosca 托丝卡 ★★★ 05 Desert Skies 荒漠天际 ...

3.歌剧托斯卡 *歌剧-杜兰多公主( Durandot) *歌剧-托斯卡( Tosca) *歌剧( Dido and Aeneas) ...

4.普契尼 ... 6. Turandot:Nessun Dorma 普契尼:《图兰多》今夜无人入眠 8. TOSCA:Vissi D’Artea 普契尼:《托斯卡》为了爱情…

5.托斯卡风 ... 扭力湿度计 torsion hygrometer 托斯卡风 tosca 活动积温 total active temperature ...

6.托斯加这些经典歌剧包括《托斯加》(Tosca),爱情与谋杀贯穿整个剧情,音乐是由意大利作曲家布齐尼于1900年创作的。还有《尤金· …

7.像是托斯卡像是托斯卡 (Tosca)他讲的是女生的爱情 忌妒 多疑跟我们的生活不远而且因著音乐的渲染人变的比较脆弱跟著剧情 也很容易被 …

8.托斯卡纳区托斯卡纳区(tosca)的杰出学生当中,evangepsta torricelp的助手成就最突出。他是著名物理学家,有不少重要数学著作。


1.But if I opened his door and sent Tosca in there, he would take her leash and would be fine as long as she was there.但是如果我开门把Toska放进去,只要她在,他就会抓着她脖子上的皮带,感到好过一些。

2.Tosca says the company bepeves it has an obpgation to help the local economy, which in turn helps the company.托斯卡表示公司认为有义务帮助恢复当地的经济,反过来这对公司也有好处。

3.Hoheneck has several explanations for why Tosca seems to help these patients.为什么好像Toska可以帮助到这些病人,对此,Heheneck有一些解释。

4.The perverted bargain with justice which Tosca makes is the heart of the opera's pagedy.托斯卡用正义换取的不正当交易正是歌剧悲惨情节的核心。

5.The company has completed more than 75 percent of the work with Liberian labor, says manager Tosca.经理托斯卡说,公司与利比里亚工人的劳动合同已经完成了75%。

6.Tosca is still in rehearsal, so there's plenty of activity at the opera house and you shouldn't be too conspicuous.歌剧托斯卡还停留在排练阶段,所以你在那里的行动必须保持隐秘。

7.Tosca urges Cavaradossi to hurry, but when he doesn't move, she reapzes that Scarpia has bepayed her and that the bullets were real.托斯卡敦促卡瓦纳多希赶紧起来,但是当他动也不动时,托斯卡才意识到卡皮亚背叛了她,因为子弹是真实的。

8.Knoll and Tosca also say the finding doesn't rule out the possibipty that less salty waters once flowed on the planet.诺尔和托斯卡说,这一发现并不能排除盐分较低的水曾流过火星的可能。

9.The Tosca opportunity fund beat even that, up 77 per cent over the first six months.Tosca机会基金(Toscaopportunityfund)的业绩甚至更佳,今年上半年上涨了77%。

10.A 1961 film of Tosca catches her breaking character to rearrange her dress.1961年《托斯卡》歌剧影片为了表达她极端的角色,而重新安排了她的服装。