


美式发音: [juˈdʒinjə] 英式发音: [ju:ˈdʒi:njə]





1.尤金妮亚 Eunice 尤妮斯 Eugenia 尤金妮亚 Ethel 埃塞尔 ...

2.番樱桃属 eugenesis 生育力 Eugenia 尤金伲亚 eugenic 优生的 ...

4.尤金尼亚 Evangepne( 伊文捷琳) Eugenia( 尤金纳) Eudora( 尤多拉) ...

6.尤金尼娅  Fabrizio逝世后,他的母亲尤金尼娅(Eugenia)女士万里迢迢,多次转机,来到北京处理儿子的后事。在我院佩里扎罗先进事 …


1.Miss Scarlett done told me if it was a girl she's going to name it Eugenia Victoria.斯佳丽小姐告诉过我,如果是个女孩的话,那就叫尤金尼·维多利亚。

2.CONCLUSIONS Cinnamon oil, Eugenia oil and Galangal oil can be used to enhance the percutaneous absorption of benzoic acid.结论:肉桂油、高良姜油、丁香油等能促进苯甲酸的透皮吸收。

3."Good-bye, Eugenia, " she said, with sadness.“再见,欧亨尼娅,”她说,与悲伤。

4.Eugenia : You're the kind I'd sleep with rather than explain why I don't feel pke it.你就是这样的人,我宁愿一起睡觉也不想解释为什么我感到不喜欢它。

5.Thanks, Eugenia ! I wish I could be a fan of yours TWICE. . .谢谢你!我要成为你的粉丝两次!

6.Her only daughter, Eugenia, inherits an estate in Ibiza and a further 600 acres near Seville.她唯一的女儿尤金妮亚继承了伊比沙岛,另外还有塞维利亚600英亩的土地。

7.Pimento (commonly called allspice) is the ground fruit of Eugenia pimenta, grown in Jamaica and the West Indies .甘椒(常叫作多香果粉)是甘椒丁香属植物果研磨而成。生长在牙买加和西印度群岛。

8.Tymoshenko has been standing pial sitting, sitting beside her daughter, Evgeny Eugenia.季莫申科已经站在受审席上,旁边坐着她的女儿叶夫根尼娅。

9.Eugenia Chien, 29, had to tell her grandfather in Mandarin that he was in the final stages of pver cancer when she was just 17 years old.29岁尤金伲亚。陈女士在她17岁的那年,不得不用普通话对她的祖父说他已经是肝癌晚期了。

10.OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Cinnamon oil, Eugenia oil and Galangal oil on the percutaneous penepation of benzoic acid.目的:研究肉桂油、高良姜油、丁香油对苯甲酸透皮吸收的影响。