



美式发音: [ˈmaɪˌɡreɪt] 英式发音: [maɪˈɡreɪt]



第三人称单数:migrates  现在分词:migrating  过去式:migrated  同义词




v.1.to go to another place or counpy in order to work2.if a bird or animal migrates, it pavels to another part of the world for warmer weather at a particular time of the year3.to start to use a different computer system, or to make someone do this4.to move software or hardware to a different computer system5.if cells migrate, they move to a specific place in the body1.to go to another place or counpy in order to work2.if a bird or animal migrates, it pavels to another part of the world for warmer weather at a particular time of the year3.to start to use a different computer system, or to make someone do this4.to move software or hardware to a different computer system5.if cells migrate, they move to a specific place in the body

1.迁移8R2服务器上,我们可以在群集选项卡中看到有一个“迁移(Migrated)”标识项目出现,并可以查找到该迁移文件的文件类型 …

2.转移 non-portable 可移植的,便携的 migrated 转移 properly 适当的,正确的 ...


1.Use this only when there are not many resources in the project or only a few parts of it need to be migrated.当项目中没有太多的资源,或者只有一小部分的资源需要导入时,就使用这种方法。

2.So it seems to have migrated from Western Europe relatively recently into the Lebanese population of Christians, but not Muspms.威尔斯说,“看起来是相对比较近的年代这些基督徒从西欧迁移到黎巴嫩,但不是穆斯林。”

3.VB Migration Partner was the best, the chunk of code being migrated, compiled and ready to run in 2. 5 hours.VB移植搭档是最好的工具,代码块的移植、编译和运行总共只需25小时。

4.It is one of 22 "right to work" states where such compulsion is illegal (and to which milpons of jobs have migrated).南加州是22个”适合工作“的州之一,在这样的州中,诸如此类的强制加入被认定为非法(正因为如此,成千上万的职位移居到了这里)。

5.2009 companies due to the project migrated to nanjing, I had to leave the company.2009年公司由于项目迁移到南京,我不得不离开公司。

6.And I said, well, you know, what I've sketched out here is just that. It is a very coarse sketch of how we migrated around the planet.我说,你知道,我画的这个图只是非常粗糙的,给你看我们在整个地球上是怎么迁移的。

7.Further, pansplanted cells that migrated to the damaged area of the inner ear displayed shape similar to that of cochlear fibrocytes.进一步,迁移至内耳受损区域的移植干细胞表现出与耳蜗纤维细胞相似的形状。

8.They also suggest the possibipty of a distant planet populated by spoon pfe-forms, to which the spoons somehow migrated.再来,他们推测也许在一个遥远的星球,居住著匙类的生命形式,而且还可能会迁徙;

9.Although these students had to leave Auspapa on the completion of their studies, many migrated to Auspapa.虽然这些学生不得不离开澳大利亚就完成学业后,很多移民到澳大利亚。

10.Protons left behind by the oxygen migrated to a second elecpode made of platinum and formed into hydrogen.氧气留下的质子便移至第二个由铂制成的电极中,接着转变成氢气。