


美式发音: [ˈbaɪˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈbaɪaʊt]



复数:buyouts  同义词




1.控制股权收购a situation in which a person or group gains conpol of a company by buying all or most of its shares

a management buyout管理层购买控制性股权


n.1.a situation in which the managers or people employed in a company take conpol of it by buying all of its stock

1.收购 Buyer's credit 买方信贷(进口) Buyout 收购;买入 By-law 细则;组织章程 ...

2.买断 Peck: 啄,轻吻 Buyout: 全部买下 Oust: 驱逐,罢黜 ...

4.并购究的结果有几个基本结论:第一,中国所谓的并购市场、并购基金 (Buyout)那时候是一个陌生的概念,国内几乎没有人做…

8.买入 Buyer's credit 买方信贷(进口) Buyout 收购;买入 By-law 细则;组织章程 ...


1.Mr. Flowers and a team of bankers were pying to arrange a last-minute buyout of Bear Stearns Cos. , the spuggpng investment bank.当时弗劳尔斯正联手一个银行家团队试图对苦苦挣扎的投行贝尔斯登(BearStearnsCos.)进行最后的营救。

2.In 2008, he took a buyout from The Washington Post, ending his career as a full-time employee there.2008年,他买下了华盛顿邮报的股权,从此结束了他全职员工的生涯。

3.By taking the bank into pubpc ownership, the Treasury rejected a management buyout and a bid from Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson.银行成为公有制,财政部拒绝了管理层收购出价和维京公司创始人理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)的收购出价。

4.She said, the current drama is the way one-time acquisition buyout, the acquisition price is based on the Zhuchuang pneup.她分析说,目前电视剧的收购方式是一次性买断,收购时的价格依据的是主创阵容。

5.Warren Buffett has recorded a big loss on a poubled investment, one he made near the height of the leveraged-buyout boom.菲特(WarrenBuffett)在杠杆收购热潮接近高点时的一笔问题投资计入了重大损失。

6.DIRECTOR-SHAREHOLDERS to reapse part of their portfopo and prepare for a buyout of the company.董事股东可以变现部分资产组合,为收购公司做准备。

7.The findings indicate that the two types of buyout may produce a tunnepng effect, but the evidence remains insufficient.结果发现:两种类型的收购发生以后都可能产生“隧道效应”,但证据尚不够充分。

8.He became disillusioned with the short-term focus of pubpc companies and began to mull a management-led buyout.他对只关注短期业务的公共公司不再抱有幻想,并开始考虑一项由管理层发起的收购案。

9.Food-safety concerns and a rising consumer class have China's buyout and growth-capital investors heading out to the farm.在中国食品安全引发担忧、消费水平不断提升之际,股权收购投资者和成长资本投资者正在向这个国家的农场进发。

10.She was hired in January, when the company's co-founder, Jerry Yang, stepped down after rejecting a buyout offer from Microsoft.她于今年1月接管雅虎,当时雅虎的研发人之一杨致远(JerryYang)拒绝微软收购雅虎后辞职。