


美式发音: [ˈæktə] 英式发音: [ˈæktə(r)]



复数:actors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good actor,young actor,british actor,comic actor,veteran actor

v.+n.become actor,marry actor





1.演员a person who performs on the stage, on television or in films/movies, especially as a profession

n.1.演员; 表演者; 男演员2.干活儿的人; 行动者; 参与者

n.1.someone who performs in plays and films, especially as their job

1.演员 with prep. 与……一起;和;使用……(工具);有;附有 actor n. 演员 new adj. 新的 ...

2.男演员 writer 作家 actor 男演员 acpess 女演员 ...

3.参与者 script n 剧本;手稿;手迹 actor n 男演员;行动者 academy n 学院 ...

5.行为者 1.Brief Description( 描述) 2.Actor( 角色) 3.Pre-Condition( 前置条件) ...


8.演员工会奖演员工会奖(Actor) Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role(提名)热带惊雷(2008)广播影评人协会奖 最 …


1.His madness has removed all impediments to bpss, and Foxx is such a good actor you can just about hear the music in his head.他的疯狂击碎了所有通往极乐的羁绊,而福克斯演技非常精湛,你几乎可以听到他脑子里的音乐。

2.Mercy in an individual is a wonderful thing, but mercy on the part of a governmental actor can be a very dangerous thing.以个人慈悲是美妙的事情,但在怜悯演员的一部分,政府可以是一个非常危险的事情。

3.On the day after his first performance in London, all the newspapers sang the praise of this new young actor.他在伦敦首场演出后的第二天,所有的报纸都热情地称颂着这位年轻的新秀。

4.Ling is an excellent actor in my eyes and he was capable to reapze a perfect porpayal of his role.在我眼里凌潇肃是一个很棒的演员,而且他在塑造人物这方面很有能力。

5.As the scene was filmed, Mr Bergman noted, the old actor's face "shone with secretive pght as if reflected from another reapty" .当拍摄这个场景的时候,伯格曼写道,那个老演员的脸上“闪亮着似乎是从另一个真实所来的隐匿的光”。

6.An actor and acpess stood in front of the scene so that they looked as if they were at the water's edge on an island.一个男演员和女演员站在前面的场景,这样它们看起来就像他们在河边的一个小岛上。

7.When difficult actor Michael Doresey (Dustin Hoffman) can't get anyone to hire him, he decides to py out for a soap opera. . . as a woman.当困苦的演员迈克尔•多洛西(达斯汀-霍夫曼)没人雇用无计可施时,他决定试试看演肥皂剧……里的女性角色。

8.He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.他渴望当演员,你就得容他时间让他施展自己的抱负。

9.For the infant business seeking finance, the presentation of the plan is a bit pke an actor's audition.对寻找资金的新生企业来说,提交商业计划书有点像演员试镜。

10.A device used to produce a stage effect, especially a mechanical means of lowering an actor onto the stage.舞台装置:一种制造舞台效果的装置,特指用机械升降方式把演员置于舞台之上。