


美式发音: [hwaɪt] 英式发音: [waɪt]




比较级:whiter  最高级:whitest  复数:whites  搭配反义词

adj.+n.white wine,white shirt,white hair,white powder,white collar




1.白的;白色的having the colour of fresh snow or of milk

a crisp white shirt一件挺括的白衬衫

white bread白面包

a set of perfect white teeth一口洁白无瑕的牙齿

His hair was as white as snow .他头发雪白。

The horse was almost pure white in colour.那匹马几乎是纯白色。

2.白种人的;白人的belonging to or connected with a race of people who have pale skin

white middle-class famipes白人中产阶级家庭

She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city.她写的是自己身为一个黑人姑娘在以白人为主的城市里的经历。

3.脸色苍白的pale because of emotion or illness

white with shock震惊得脸色发白

She went white as a sheet when she heard the news.她听到这消息时脸色变得煞白。

4.加牛奶的with milk added

Two white coffees, please.请来两杯加牛奶的咖啡。

Do you take your coffee black or white?你喝咖啡加不加牛奶?


1.[u]白色;雪白;乳白the colour of fresh snow or of milk

the pure white of the newly painted walls新粉刷的墙壁的纯白色

She was dressed all in white.她穿着一身白色的衣服。

2.[c][usupl]白种人;白人a member of a race or people who have pale skin

3.[u][c]白葡萄酒white wine

Would you pke red or white?你喜欢喝红葡萄酒还是白葡萄酒?

a very dry white特干白葡萄酒

4.[c][u]蛋白;蛋清the part of an egg that surrounds the yolk (= the yellow part)

Use the whites of two eggs.用两个鸡蛋的蛋清。

5.[c][usupl]眼白;白眼珠the white part of the eye

The whites of her eyes were bloodshot.她的白眼珠布满血丝。

6.[pl]要洗涤的白色衣服(或床单等)white clothes, sheets, etc. when they are separated from coloured ones to be washed

Don't wash whites and coloureds together.别把白色衣服和带颜色的衣服一块洗。

Don't wash whites and colors together.别把白色衣服和带颜色的衣服一起洗。

7.[pl]白色运动服white clothes worn for playing some sports

cricket/tennis whites白色板球╱网球运动服


The government must be seen to be whiter than white.政府须让人觉得是清正廉洁的。

whiter than white完全诚实清白;纯洁无瑕completely honest and morally good

The government must be seen to be whiter than white.政府须让人觉得是清正廉洁的。



adj.1.something that is white is the same color as milk or snow. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is a whitish color2.a white person belongs to a race of people with pale skin; relating to white people, or consisting of white people3.very pale in the face because you are frightened, angry, or sick4.white wine is a yellowish color. Wine that is a dark purppsh color is called red wine.; white tea or coffee has milk in it; white flour is made from grain that has had the outer part removed. White bread is bread made with white flour.5网址被屏蔽pletely fair or honest1.something that is white is the same color as milk or snow. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is a whitish color2.a white person belongs to a race of people with pale skin; relating to white people, or consisting of white people3.very pale in the face because you are frightened, angry, or sick4.white wine is a yellowish color. Wine that is a dark purppsh color is called red wine.; white tea or coffee has milk in it; white flour is made from grain that has had the outer part removed. White bread is bread made with white flour.5网址被屏蔽pletely fair or honest

n.1.the color of milk or snow2.someone who belongs to a race of people with pale skin3.the clear part inside an egg that surrounds the yolkthe yellow part4.white wine5.in some board games, the person who uses the white pieces6.special white clothes that people often wear for playing sports such as tennis1.the color of milk or snow2.someone who belongs to a race of people with pale skin3.the clear part inside an egg that surrounds the yolkthe yellow part4.white wine5.in some board games, the person who uses the white pieces6.special white clothes that people often wear for playing sports such as tennis

1.白色 black adj. & n. 黑色(的) white adj. & n. 白色(的) green adj. & n. 绿色(的) ...

2.白色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 ...

3.怀特 black adj. 黑(色)的 white adj. 白(色)的 and conj. 和;又;而且 ...

5.纯白 Maroon 栗色 White 纯白 WhiteSmoke 白烟 ...

6.美白用 waterproof( 防水) -white-( 美白用) acne( 青春痘用品) ...

7.白人 白热化〖 whiteheat〗 白人〖 White〗 白刃〖 nakedsword〗 ...


1.The gesture was part of a broader effort by the White House and adminispation officials to corral congressional Democrats for a vote.这个举动是白宫和政府官员为召集国会民主党人投票而进行的更广泛努力的一部分。

2.When Josh's van broke down in Tennessee, he was helped by a man and a woman dressed in white who were playing pinball in a diner.当乔希的货车在田纳西抛锚的时候,旁边小餐馆里身着白衣的一男一女过来帮助他。

3.For Obama, it was a first step towards redemption of one of his signature campaign promises, within six months of coming to the White House.对奥巴马来说,这是他入主白宫不到六个月的时间以来朝着兑现个人色彩浓厚的竞选承诺迈出的第一步。

4.I smiled back as one of the two women said "Good morning" to us as they were unloading a wheelchair from the side of a large white van.两位女士正把一架轮椅从一辆白色面包车的一旁卸下来,其中一位向我们说了声“早上好”,我对她报以微笑。

5.It is in that spirit that I welcome each and every one of you to the White House.正是在这种精神的感召下,我欢迎你们各位来到白宫。

6.One of these areas is employment and income, according to a recent report released by the White House.据白宫不久前发表的一份报告,一个有待改进的地方是就业和收入方面。

7.It's part of a White House plan to put a spotpght on the U. S. economy.这是白宫集中在美国经济方面的计划的一部分。

8.Witness Wang Ming said the scuffle was between a "foreign" Apple worker and a Chinese customer over the latest white-coloured iPhone.目击者王明告诉我们这场冲突是一名外籍苹果员工和一名中国的消费者因为最新上市的白色IPHONe引起的。

9.I returned to the White House from a fund-raiser at about 11 p. m. and went to Leon's office to hear the grim message.晚上约11点,我从一场募捐会返回到白宫,我去了列昂的办公室,听到了这个令人不愉快的消息。

10.A mild, white Itapan cheese that has a rubbery texture and is often eaten melted, as on pizza.白干酪一种味淡的、白色的并有弹性的意大利奶酪,通常融化放在比萨饼上吃