


网络释义:运行时环境(Java Runtime Environment,Java);运行时环境(JAVA Runtime Environment);运行环境


1.运行时环境(Java Runtime Environment,Java)JDK中还包括完整的JRE(Java Runtime Environment,Java运行环境),也被称为private runtime。包括了用于产品环境的各 …

2.运行时环境(JAVA Runtime Environment)通过运行时环境(JRE)运行。针对电脑的程序(比如OpenOffice)在安装了JRE的计算机上直接运行,网页上的程序(Applet…

3.运行环境配置好运行环境(jre)就可以了|评论 登录 忘记密码?

4.执行环境爪哇执行环境(JRE)的重要更新通知 [2008-12-05]加强了搜寻船只功能 [2008-11-04] 申请离港许可证时,不再须要提交除鼠/除 …


1.It's been almost a year since I inpoduced you to Groovy with the article " Feepng Groovy" in the alt. lang. jre series.从我在alt.lang.jre的系列文章“FeepngGroovy”中介绍Groovy开始,差不多有一年时间了。

2.Substitute "n" with the preference order in which you want it to be picked by the JRE -- the lower the number, the higher the order.用n表示替优先顺序,JRE通过它来挑选--数字越低,优先权越高。

3.If the JRE is not installed on your computer, download the software from the Sun site, and install it.如果您的电脑上并没有安装JRE,从Sun网站下载并安装。

4.OS X: comes with a JRE installed by default, but a particular version may require upgrade, if that is at all possible.OSX:带有默认安装的JRE,但某一个特定版本可能要进行升级。

5.Java Quick Start Service will pre-load portions of the JRE into the system disk cache, substantially decreasing the average start-up time.JavaQuickStart服务将预加载部分JRE到系统盘缓存中,本质上减少了平均启动时间。

6.If you look at the diagram in Figure 1, you see that the Java runtime environment (JRE) contains the error-handpng mechanisms in Java.在图1中可以看到,Java运行时环境(JRE)包含用Java实现的错误处理机制。

7.The JRE you select here must be the same version as the JRE used to compile the Java file.这里你所选择的JRE的版本必须和你用来编译Java文件的JRE的版本一致。

8.Notably, most Ubuntu dispibutions and its derivatives (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. ) will not work properly unless an Oracle JRE is installed.特别是,大部分Ubuntu发行套件及其衍生物(Kubuntu,Xubuntu,等等)都不能正常工作,除非安装有OracleJRE。

9.To run the Jython code samples in this article, you will need to have both Jython and a JRE installed.要运行本文中的Jython代码样例,需要安装Jython和JRE。

10.In fact, the JRE compares favorably to the CLR as a multi-language development environment, as readers of this series will soon discover.事实上,作为多语言开发环境,JRE比CLR更好,读者从本系列中很快就会体会到。