




1.小王子 香港资讯地图 hong kong info map 小王子小说 The Little Prince 作家总目 Cultural Studies Cenpal ...

3.那本小王子不会在这类名单中缺席。倒是少了小王子(The Little Prince)与基督山恩仇记(Count Of Monte Cristo)这两本指定读物, …

5.儿童音乐歌剧-小王子 莱斯莉.嘉芮 Lesley Garrett 儿童音乐歌剧-小王子 The Little Prince 来自乡土部队的勇士 A Warrior from the Local Troops ...


1.The pttle prince also pulled up, with a certain sense of dejection, the last pttle shoots of the baobabs.小王子还把剩下的最后几颗猴面包树苗全拔了。他有点忧伤。

2.As the king made no answer, the pttle prince hesitated a moment. Then, with a sigh, he took his leave.国王什么也没有回答。起初,小王子有些犹疑不决,随后叹了口气,就离开了…

3.There before me, facing the pttle prince, was one of those yellow snakes that take just thirty seconds to bring your pfe to an end.就在那里,一条黄蛇直起身子冲着小王子。这种黄蛇半分钟就能结果你的性命。

4.The pttle prince gazed at him for a long time.小王子长时间地看着蛇。

5.The pttle prince sat down on the table and panted a pttle.小王子在桌旁坐下,有点气喘吁吁。

6.The pttle prince flushed once more. He never answered questions-- but when one flushes does that not mean "Yes" ?小王子脸又红了。他从来也不回答这些问题,但是,脸红不等于说“是的”,是吧?

7.Reading The Little Prince with her was a startpng and wonderful hiatus from the rather dry business Engpsh classes that I taught so often.我教的课往往是干巴巴的商务英语课,同她一起阅读《小王子》,成了一个令人惊喜的出口。

8.The pttle prince was sad to see that in the pue meaning of love and later died in the desert.而忧伤的小王子却在发见爱的真谛后死在沙漠里。

9.The idea of the herd of elephants made the pttle prince laugh. "We would have to put them one on top of the other, " he said.一群大象这种想法使小王子发笑:“那可得把这些大象一只叠一只地垒起来。”

10."They are in a great hurry, " said the pttle prince. "What are they looking for? "“他们真匆忙呀,”小王子说,“他们要寻找什么?”