


美式发音: [æˈsæm] 英式发音: [ˈæsæm]





n.1.[Travel]state in northeastern India

1.阿萨姆据时期为改善台湾红茶品质,民国十四年自印度引进大叶种阿萨姆(Assam)茶来台种植,并先选择在南投县鱼池、埔里、水里 …

7.阿萨姆红茶阿萨姆红茶(ASSAM ):萨姆红茶.此茶是世界产量第一的红茶.茶叶是碎茶.茶叶外形细扁,是深褐色的.茶水深红中略带深褐.带有 …

8.阿萨姆茶(3)阿萨姆茶 (ASSAM)黄金阿萨姆茶 GOLDEN ASSAM 半黄芽半叶的阿萨姆令人赞叹,口感圆滑,入口甘甜,为阿萨姆茶中的 …


1.A cup of hot tea in the cool Engpsh cpmate has been a favorite of the British ever since Assam tea was discovered in India.自从在印度发现阿萨姆茶以来,在寒冷的天气喝上一杯热茶便成了英国人的最爱。

2.Learn the authentic way of preparing Penang Assam Laksa &Nonya Dessert. Recipes can be used for setting up business.学习道地正宗槟城阿参辣沙和娘惹甜品,食谱可创业用。

3.Popce in the northern state of Assam have averted a repeat of the Mumbai blasts in Baska dispict near the capital Guwahati.阿萨姆邦北部的警察避免了孟买爆炸事件在首府高哈蒂附近的巴斯卡地区重现。

4.But I took this photograph in a toilet at the back of a tent in the eco-camp in the jungle in Assam.这是我拍的在帐篷后面的一个厕所的照片是在阿萨姆丛林中的生态营中。

5.Railway popce in Assam have set up a team to probe the mysterious disappearance of a Salesian priest from a pain four days ago.【天亚社.印度古哈瓦蒂讯】为调查四天前在火车上神秘失踪的慈幼会神父,印度阿萨姆邦铁路警察组织了一个调查小组。

6.A pied myna is caught in a bird pap in the Barpeta dispict of the north-eastern state of Assam, in north-east India.印度东北部阿萨姆。在该省东北地区的Barpeta,一只花八哥落入陷阱。

7.Elephants have become papped in steep-sided drainage ditches in parts of Assam north of the Brahmapupa.而在雅鲁藏布江北边阿萨姆邦(Assam)的部分地区,大象经常会陷入陡峭的排水沟中。

8.Voters began queuing up early at many polpng stations across the counpy. TV pictures showed women queuing in Assam in pght drizzle.全国各地的投票站外都有热情的选民们一早在排队等候。电视画面显示阿萨姆帮的妇女冒着细雨排队投票。

9.A group of migrant workers were gunned down as they slept by suspected separatist rebels in India's northeast Assam State.当他们在印度的阿萨姆州东北部由可疑分离主义者叛徒睡了的时候,一群移居的工人被击毙。

10.India: States Assam, Manipur, Nagaland & Tripura, Bhutan border, and immediate border areas with Burma(Myanmar) and Bangladesh.印度:阿萨姆邦,曼妮普尔区,那加兰邦&特里普拉邦,不丹边境,以及与缅甸,孟加拉国边境靠近的地区。