


美式发音: [ˌbrækiə'sɔ:rəs] 英式发音: [ˌbrækiə'sɔ:rəs]






1.腕龙(大型恐龙,前肢长于后肢)a very large dinosaur whose front legs were much longer than its back legs


n.1.a dinosaur with a massive sloping body up to 30 m (100 ft) long.

1.腕龙们的骨骼完全能支持它们庞大的体重。连体重达80吨的庞大的腕龙属(Brachiosaurus)种类,也可能大部分时间栖于陆上,小 …

3.腕龙英文名 ... 【 4M 】挖掘暴龙 Tyrannosaurus Rex 【 4M 】挖掘腕龙 Brachiosaurus 【 4M 】海盗堡垒组 Pirate Fo…


1.Brachiosaurus nospils, pke the huge corresponding nasal openings in its skull, were long thought to be located on the top of the head.腕龙的鼻孔,因其头颅骨上相对的鼻部孔洞,而长久而来都被认为是在其头顶。

2.The animal would have been a primitive sauropod -- a long-necked, four-legged grazer similar to the better known brachiosaurus.这只恐龙很可能是原始的蜥脚类亚目动物--长颈、四条腿的食草动物,类似于我们较为熟悉的腕足类恐龙。

3.The Brachiosaurus was one of the tallest and largest dinosaurs.腕龙是最高最大的恐龙之一。

4.E: I can see that the brachiosaurus is the biggest one among dinosaurs. But a blue whale is almost twice as long as a brachiosaurs.我发现长臂龙是恐龙中最大的了,但是蓝鲸还是它的两倍大。

5.At the heart of the display is the 13-mepe-high and 15-mepe-long Brachiosaurus , the tallest dinosaur ever mounted in a museum.这次核心展示品是高13公尺、长15公尺的腕龙,这也是博物馆内所曾架设最高的恐龙。

6.The Brachiosaurus had a very small brain and was not smart.腕龙有个非常小的脑袋,因此不太聪明。

7.Brachiosaurus did not take care of their babies.腕龙不照看自己的孩子。

8.Photo Gallery: Jurassic Period A herd of brachiosaurus congregates on a forested coast in this artist's depiction.侏罗纪时代图片集。一群腕龙聚集在一个森林海岸在这方面艺术家的描述。

9.Bones of the Brachiosaurus have been found in Grand River Valley in Colorado and in Tanzania in Africa.在美国科罗拉多州的大河谷和非洲的坦桑尼亚发现过腕龙化石。

10.Behavior - How the Brachiosaurus acted?腕龙的行为举止是什么样?