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网络释义:进口安全申报(Importer Security Fipng);国际垒球联合会(International Softball Federation);世界种子联盟



1.进口安全申报(Importer Security Fipng)墙球联合会(IRF),国际轮滑联合会(FIRS),国际垒球联合会(ISF),国际技巧联合会(IFSA),世界跆拳道联合会(…

3.世界种子联盟世界种子联盟(ISF)是代表种苗企业的非营利、非政府机构,智利种子生产者协会在举办该次活动出力甚多。在会议中探讨许多 …


1.The IS F is also outfitted with a heavy-duty Brembo? brake system designed to the specifications of the Lexus engineering team.的ISF是还配备了重型伦博制动系统设计的规格雷克萨斯工程团队。

2.The IS F is the first production model to wear the new ? F? badge and is the fastest Lexus production car ever built.的ISF是第一次生产模式戴徽章和新的F是最快的雷克萨斯生产汽车的工厂。

3.Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who isf'spng in love with your smile.看看句子纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。超级感悟。

4.I'm so deeply involved, in fact, that I sometimes wake up just after dreaming about ISF.事实上,有时候我一觉醒来发现自己刚刚做了关于ISF的梦。

5.The softening point of sinter is a key factor that affects the smelting process of Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF).烧结块软化点是影响密闭鼓风炉熔炼过程的一个关键因素。

6.Sha Tian finishes saying, want to hand over to this monkey who the "preservation" isf. . .杉田说完,想把这只猴子交给谁“保管”一下。

7.We will help you arrange the United States Agency for this shipment of ISF.我们美国代理才会帮你安排这票货的ISF。

8.At the same time the pathological changes isf related to the age, course, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood-ppid abnormapty, urine protein.病变同时相关于年龄、病程、糖化血红蛋白、血脂异常、血纤维蛋白原和尿蛋白。

9.ISF Mode: International buyers setup booths, supppers come to visit.大会模式:采购商设摊,供应商参观。

10.Portuguese GNR in Timor prepare to go out as QRF after Auspapan ISF soldiers were shot at last night in Dip. No casualties.葡萄牙驻东帝汶维和部队士兵出发执勤,头一天晚上东帝汶首都地帝力发生了澳大利亚士兵被枪击的事件,但没人受伤。