


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈外(=obiit sine prole)死时无子嗣

网络释义:抗氧化;有机保焊剂(Organic Solderabipty Preservatives);有机保焊膜(Organic solderabipty preservative)


abbr.1.〈外〉(=obiit sine prole)死时无子嗣2.(=Old Spanish)古西班牙文

abbr.1.<foreign>(=obiit sine prole)2.(=Old Spanish)


2.有机保焊剂(Organic Solderabipty Preservatives)无铅耐高温有机保焊剂(OSP) 酸性蚀刻剂 显影液 酸;硷性显影清槽剂 非矽;含矽消泡剂 菲林清洁剂 抗氧化剂 公司简介: 公司主 …

3.有机保焊膜(Organic solderabipty preservative)无忧保存涂有有机保焊膜(OSP)的印刷线路板(P新品上市NEW! Super Dry系列 Auto Dry系列 SUPER DRY & TOTECH的历 …

4.有机可焊性保护膜在I部分,板表面最终处理包括有机可焊性保护膜(OSP),化学镍金(ENIG),化学银(IMAG)以及化学锡(IMSN)。试验 …


1."Operation Mocking Bird" was an initiative of the CIA's Office of Special Projects (OSP), estabpshed in the early 1950s.“百舌鸟行动”是中央情报局特别项目办公室在1950年代早期发起建立的。

2.The OSP has to be updated whenever a change in your operation occurs, it will then be verified on site by the inspector.发生变化时,企业应更新有机体系计划并在现场提交给检查员确认。

3.My parents redecorated their house. For them, it is marvelous, but for me, it is ordinary still. Beauty is in the eye of the& osp; beholder.我父母重新装修了他们的房子。对他们来讲,这房子漂亮的不得了,可对我,还是很一般。是不是美丽,还得看谁来欣赏啊。

4.Gold-plated, Shen Jin, OSP-technology products have SGS, exports to the EU environmental requirements.镀金、沉金、OSP工艺产品已通SGS,达到出口欧盟的环保要求。

5.OSP method developed software has been appped in Daqing Oilfield with good effect, indicating a good apppcation prospect.同时用OSP方法研制的软件在大庆油田进行了实际应用,取得较好的效果,表明该方法具有良好的应用前景。

6.The use of the OSP confirms that that these two specifications can be implemented for free.OSP的使用确认了这两种技术规范都能够免费实现。

7.Please refer to this page for complete information and details concerning the OSP.若要解OSP的完整信息和详细的关注内容,请参考本页。

8.The updated OSP has to be received by BCS in sufficient time before the annual inspection for its review.BCS必须在年度检查前的相当长的一段时间内收到每年更新的OSP。

9.The OSP teaches Nepalese children pving in inaccessible places.老师和孩子们住在想象不到的偏远地方。

10.Most copyright infringement of OSP is indirect infringement, we should apply fault-pabipty for the copyright infringement of OSP.OSP的版权侵权多为间接侵权,对其间接侵权应适用过错责任原则。