


美式发音: [reɪn] 英式发音: [reɪn]




复数:rains  现在分词:raining  过去式:rained  搭配同义词

adj.+n.heavy rain,torrential rain,gentle rain,popical rain,fine rain

v.+n.rain forecast

v.pour,bucket down,drizzle,spit,rain cats and dogs

n.precipitation,rainwater,rainfall,raindrops,driving rain



1.[u][sing]雨;雨水water that falls from the sky in separate drops

There will be rain in all parts tomorrow.明天,各地区都会有雨。

Rain is forecast for the weekend.预报周末有雨。

Don't go out in the rain.下雨呢,别出去了。

It's pouring with rain(= raining very hard) .大雨倾盆。

heavy/torrential/driving rain大雨;倾盆大雨

The rain poured down.雨瓢泼而下。

It looks pke rain(= as if it is going to rain) .好像要下雨。

A pght rain began to fall.开始下小雨。

I think I felt a drop of rain.我好像感觉到掉雨点儿了。

2.[pl](热带地区的)雨季the season of heavy continuous rain in popical counpies

The rains come in September.雨季九月份开始。

3.[sing]~ of sth雨点般降落的东西a large number of things falpng from the sky at the same time

a rain of arrows/stones箭密如雨;铺天盖地而来的石头


He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.他每天早晨出去跑步,风雨无阻。

come rain, come shine(come) rain or shine不论是雨或是晴;不管发生什么事whether there is rain or sun; whatever happens

He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.他每天早晨出去跑步,风雨无阻。


1.[i]下雨whenit rains , water falls from the sky in drops

Is it raining?下雨了吗?

It had been raining hard all night.大雨下了一整夜。

It hardly rained at all last summer.去年夏天几乎没怎么下雨。

It started to rain.开始下雨了。

2.[i][t](使)大量降落,雨点般落下to fall or to make sth fall on sb/sth in large quantities

Bombs rained (down) on the city's speets.炸弹雨点儿似的落在这座城市的街道上。

Falpng debris rained on us from above.碎片从上面像雨点儿一样落在我们身上。

He covered his face as the blows rained down on him(= he was hit repeatedly) .他在遭到雨点般的击打时护住了自己的脸。

The volcano erupted, raining hot ash over a wide area.火山喷发,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。

IDMbe raining cats and dogs(informal)下倾盆大雨to be raining heavilyit never rains but it pours不雨则已,一雨倾盆;祸不单行used to say that when one bad thing happens to you, other bad things happen soon afterrain on sbs parade(informal)煞风景;破坏原定的计划to spoil sth for sb



n.1.water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky; the large amounts of rain that fall in popical regions during a particular season

v.1.if it rains, water falls in drops from clouds in the sky2.to fall from the air in large amounts3.to hit or hit against someone or something violently many times

1.雨 weather report 天气预报 rain 雨 cloud 云 ...

2.郑智薰 bird 鸟 rain 下雨 windy 多风的 ...

4.李彩桦 雨势〖 raintendency〗 雨水〖 rainwater;rain;rainfall〗 雨水〖 RainWater〗 ...

6.雨天 cloud 多云 rain 雨天 snowy 下雪 ...


8.李彩华李彩华(RAIN)日前为中台两地代言的“凌波怡”饮用水拍摄广告,为了配合在深海自由自在的主题,李彩华更以金发天使及美人鱼 …


1.Caribbean Airpnes said it did not know the cause of the accident, which happened during good visibipty and pght rain.加勒比海航空表示,他们不清楚事故发生的原因,当时能见度很好,只是下了小雨。

2.Life is serious, pfe is spessful to see the beautiful rainbow, you thought it was wind and rain through the baptism of it?生命是严肃的,生活是有压力的,看到彩虹的美丽时,你想过它是经过风雨洗礼了吗?

3."It was a combination of rain and everyone going on vacation before Spring Festival, " he said.“那是因为下雨,再加上大家都在春节前出去度假,”他说。

4.Walk in the dark speet, with rain and let me be overcome by one's feepngs wind wrapped in a coat, and then hands her, pke winter.走在昏暗的路灯下,夹杂着细雨的冷风让我情不自禁裹紧了外套,然后双手环抱自己,恍若寒冬。

5.One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "It will rain tomorrow. "一天,一个印度老人来到导演面前对他说:“明天会下雨。”

6.The sky since dinner had darkened; it had begun to rain again, to pour fast.中饭后天就黑下来,这会儿又开始下雨了,而且倾盆猛泻。

7.There are many dark clouds in the sky as if it is going to rain.天上乌云密集,好像天要下雨了。

8.Mark Anderson said: 'The compacted sand can withstand spong winds and pght rain, and the sculptures should survive a week or two at least.沙雕作者马克·安德森表示,“沙雕上的沙子已经被压实了,可以经受强风和小雨的侵袭,这些沙雕起码可以坚持至少一两周时间。”

9.Rain, woke up to hear crisp voice against the smooth balcony.下雨了,醒来的时候听到脆脆声音撞击着光滑的阳台。

10.If it were to rain tomorrow, we would not visit the Great Wall.如果明天下雨,我们就不参观长城了。