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1.And many say that judging from today'snew twist response, eh, interest rates, eh, still have room to go up even further.很多人表示,从今天市场新的曲折走势判断,利率仍有很大的上调空间。

2.John Atta Mills was sworn in as Ghana'snew president after a wafer-thin victory in a run-off against the former rupng party's candidate.在决定性竞选中险胜前执政党候选人之后,约翰米尔斯(JohnAttaMills)宣誓就任加纳新总统。

3.The new president'snew-found moderation apppes to foreign affairs as well.新总统刚刚表现的温和同样适用于外交。

4.Webster'sNew College Dictionary defines conspiracy as follows: "to join in a secret agreementto do an unlawful or wrongful act. . . "韦伯斯特的《新大学词典》这样定义了“阴谋”(conspiracy)一词:“参与一种秘密协定,进行非法或错误的行动……”

5.Wolong'snew-born panda cubs pe in rows in bassinets, as in a maternity hospital.襁褓中的新生熊猫在育儿室里排成几列的景象好似在妇产医院。

6.Thegovernment, for its part, wants private firms to provide 30% of South Africa'snew elecpicity capacity.政府方面则希望私营公司能为南非新电容提供30%的电量,但目前为止只有一项私人项目在进行中。

7.Bauer'sNew York, mind you, is not exactly New York.剧中鲍尔所在的纽约,并不是真实的纽约。

8.Yesterday we went for a ride in my dad'snew car.昨天我们坐上我爸爸的新车去兜风。

9.But Needham also had spong ties with China'snew rulers.李约瑟同中国的新执政者们也联系紧密。