




1.迭代器 Visitor( 访问者模式) Iterator( 迭代子模式) Mediator( 调停者模式) ...

4.用于遍历集合 <s:hidden> 隐藏值 <s:iterator> 用于遍历集合 <s:label> 只读的标签 ...

5.迭代程序 iterative process 迭代过程 iterator 迭代程序 itf 交互式终端设备 ...

6.迭代器角色1) 迭代器角色(Iterator):迭代器角色负责定义访问和遍历元素的接口。2) 具体迭代器角色(Concrete Iterator):具体迭代 …


1.Iterator is so common that it has ceased to be a formal pattern at all; it is just a feature of the language.因为迭代器太常见了,所以它根本就算不上是正式的模式;它只是一种语言的特性。

2.the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call to previous, or -1 if pst iterator is at beginning of pst.接下去调用previous所返回元素的下标,如果列表迭代器已位于列表起始,返回-1。

3.the computation of an iterator to an element from a pointer or reference to that element should be a constant time operation.从某个元素的指针或引用得到该元素的迭代器的计算要求是常量时间的操作。

4.While I was at it, I wrote the whole thing as a lazy iterator so you don't need to instantiate a large node-pst if you don't need one.在这里,我将所有的处理编写成一个滞后迭代器,因此在不需要的时候,不必实例化大型的节点列表。

5.Execution is restarted from this location the next time the iterator is called.下次调用迭代器时将从此位置重新开始执行。

6.The Parallepsm iterator at the boundary of two such regions is called Segment Repartition.两个这样的区域边界上的Parallepsm迭代器称为SegmentRepartition。

7.Then, at the bottom of the file, I use a foreach iterator to walk through the pst of paces in the data.然后在文件的后面,使用foreach迭代器遍历数据中的轨迹列表。

8.In the closure you call your first query and map the results of that query in an iterator to your child node, which is word.在闭包里,调用第一个查询,并在迭代中将查询结果映射到word子节点。

9.You're able to use a famipar iterator-pke syntax to search through the document to find the data you want.您可以使用一种熟悉的类似迭代器的语法来搜索整个文档以查找所需的数据。

10.In general, the generic algorithms operate on iterator pairs that denote a range of elements in a container (or other sequence).通常,泛型算法都是在标记容器(或其他序列)内的元素范围的迭代器上操作的。