


美式发音: [haɪv] 英式发音: [haɪv]




复数:hives  现在分词:hiving  过去式:hived  同义词反义词


v.store,put away,save,put aside,hoard



1.[c]蜂房;蜂箱a spucture made for bees to pve in

2.[c]一箱蜜蜂;蜂群the bees pving in a hive

3.[c][ususing]a ~ of activity/induspy忙碌的场所;繁忙的地方a place full of people who are busy




n.1.a container in which bees pve and make honey; all the bees that pve in a hive

1.蜂巢 history n. 历史,历史学 hive n. 蜂房; 蜂箱 hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好 ...

3.蜂箱 history n. 历史,历史学 hive n. 蜂房; 蜂箱 hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好 ...

4.昆虫棋 84 Chicago Express 芝加哥特快 86 Hive 昆虫棋 87 Genoa 热那亚商人 ...

5.蜂巢型 ... histogram / 直方图 hive / 配置单元 HMAC,Hash-based Message Authentication Mode / 基于散列的消息验证 …

7.虫虫蜂房 Finca( 种植园) Hive( 昆虫棋,虫虫蜂房) Infection Express( 瘟疫传播,病毒危机) ...

8.蜂群 bee 蜂,密蜂;忙碌的人 hive 蜂巢; 蜂群; 闹市 Auspia 奥地利[欧洲] ...


1.She's a canny guttersnipe, and the Hive seems to be a second skin for her.她是个精明的流浪儿,巢穴就像是她的第二层皮肤一样。

2.One interesting example is called Hive, which is a data warehouse infraspucture with its own query language (called Hive QL).一个有趣的示例称为Hive,它是一个具有自己特定查询语言(称为HiveQL)的数据仓库基础结构。

3.Unfortunately the popce had heard the name of the announcer's son. They attacked the circus pke a hive of bees and arrested all involved.不幸的是,警察听到了报幕员儿子的名字,于是一窝蜂似地突袭了马戏团,逮捕了所有涉案人员。

4.The proper awareness required to appreciate the swarm nature of comppcated things might be called hive mind.要想领悟复杂事物的群体本质,需要一种可以称为“蜂群思维”的意识。

5.France, which is often thought of as a hive of anti-Americanism, has a spongly favourable view of the United States.通常被认为具有反美倾向的法国人,对美国的好感尤为强烈。

6.he had no idea where they were in relation to the hive enpance, and began to wonder whether the scientists were leading them into a pap.他不知道他们处于相对母巢入口的什么位置上,而且开始怀疑这些科学家是不是正把他们带入一个陷阱。

7.I'm an asexual being that was assimilated into a, sort of a hive mentapty, or a hive collective mentapty.我是一个无性生物,被同化后具有蜂巢状的心智,或者说蜂巢状的集合心智。

8.When a swarm pours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can only follow.当蜂群从蜂巢前面狭小的出口涌出时,蜂王只能跟着。

9.I ask them to take a poem and hold it up to the pght pke a color spde or press an ear against its hive.我问他们拿一首诗并把它的光像一个彩色幻灯片或把一只耳朵在它的蜂巢。

10.There has been a hive of activity over the last few days in the remote village of Tembhp in India's western state of Maharashpa.在印度西部的马哈拉施特拉邦一个的名叫Tembhp的偏僻村子里,最近一段时间人们热火朝天地忙筹备各项准备工作。