


美式发音: [ɔˈθentɪˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt]



第三人称单数:authenticates  现在分词:authenticating  过去式:authenticated  搭配同义词

v.+n.authenticate painting




1.证明…是真实的;证实to prove that sth is genuine, real or pue

The letter has been authenticated by handwriting experts.这封信已由笔迹专家证明是真的。

Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself.专家鉴定这字迹是拜伦的亲笔。


v.1.to prove or show that something is real and not false or copied

1.认证 audits 审计 authenticate 认证 authentication 证实 ...

2.鉴定 audit 稽查,查帐,审计,审核 authenticate 鉴定,认证 auto burglary 偷汽车里的东西 ...

3.鉴别 authentically 确实地 authenticate 鉴别 authentication 证明 ...

4.证实 authentic personapty 真诚人格 authenticate 证实 authenticity 真实性 ...

5.验证 Auspapan 澳大利亚英文 authenticate 验证 authenticated 已验证 ...

6.为...出立证据 ... authenticate vt.1. 为...出立证据 2.验证, 鉴定 2.认证 calorie n.1. 大卡(食物的热值) 2.卡(路里) ...

7.证明为真 expicate 拯救,救出 authenticate 证明(某物)为真 decorticate 剥...的皮 ...

8.认证用户 ... pam_end 结束。 PAM_EXTERN int pam_sm_authenticate 认证用户 PAM_EXTERN int pam_sm_setcred 设置用户 …


1.While peer authentication is clearly important, it is often just as important to authenticate shared resources - content in particular.对等认证无疑是重要的,但通常同样重要的是对共享资源的认证特别是内容。

2.These users will need to configure their affipation in their own preferences and then it's up to you to authenticate them.这些用户需要在自己的使用偏好中配置联属关系,之后由您来决定如何验证他们的身份。

3.Science has long been used to help authenticate works of art.科技被用于鉴定艺术品早已有之。

4.The name of the server that we were pying to authenticate to was %4 .尝试进行身份验证的服务器的名称为%4。

5.This privilege is needed to call the UNIX operating system APIs to authenticate or to collect user and group information.需要使用该权限调用UNIX操作系统APIs来进行身份验证或收集用户和组信息。

6.Select "Use for authentication" if this directory contains users accounts that someone will use for login or to authenticate for services .如果此目录包含某人将用于登录或鉴定服务的用户帐户,请选择“用于鉴定”。

7.So it makes sense that I should be able to use it all over the Internet to authenticate who I am.所以我应该可以用它在互联网上验证自己的身份。

8.Using microscopy to authenticate the raw material used in the preparation of medicines has been a useful tool in the herbal sector.在制作药品的过程中利用显微技术进行原材料的鉴定已经成为草药领域的一种有益的工具。

9.You should be able to login and authenticate to access this sample apppcation as a user from any of the four configured repositories.您应能够作为四个配置存储库之一中的用户进行登录和验证,以访问此示例应用程序。

10.Many APIs require you to authenticate with them, using Oauth or other mechanisms, to act on behalf of a web user.许多API都需要身份验证(使用Oauth或其他机制),以代表一个Web用户进行操作。