




1.来上学 2.服装店 fashion shop 3.来上学 come to school 4.去北京 go to Beijing ...

2.来学校 Can `t come to school 不能来上学 Come to school 来学校 welcome to school 欢迎来我们学校 ...

3.来校 come over 过来,顺便来访 come to school 来校 come pue 实现 ...

4.来到学校 come out 出来, come to school 来到学校, computer 电脑, ...

5.该到…的时候了 1. go to work 看电视 2. come to school 该到…的时候了 3. get up 去睡觉 ...

6.到校 come to the point 说到要点 come to school 到校 come to a stop 停了下来 ...

7.改邪归正 come out of the red [口语]【经济学】扭亏为盈,扭转亏损 come to school [口语]改邪归正 come pue (希望、理想等)实现; …


1.In such a beautiful classroom, you felt as if you were in a fairy tale world. No wonder these children come to school everyday so happily.置身于这样美丽的教室就像进入了春天的童话世界,难怪孩子们每天欢天喜地的来上学呢。

2.during A-qiao recovery he had never gaven up study. At grade three, he began to come to school, it was a miracle!而此时的阿乔,在养伤的同时,没放弃学业,在三年级开学时,他竟然来学校上课了,这简直又是个奇迹。

3.Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't come to school to see me the next day.迈克说他第二天要来学校看我,但是第二天他并没有来学校看我。

4.Li Lei didn't come to school today. What's the matter with him?李雷今天没来上学,他怎么了?

5.She has not been able to come to school for a week.她这一个星期都没能来上学。

6.You know, our parents come to school to take us home every Friday afternoon. But one Friday, I found her go home alone by taxi.每周五下午我父母都到学校接我的,可有一次我发现她是自己搭计程车。

7.No wonder he did not come to school that day, he had a bad headache.难怪他那天没来上课,他头痛得厉害

8.It was because her mother was ill that she didn't come to school yesterday.是因为她妈妈病了她昨天才没来上学的。

9.He didn't come to school today. He might have been ill.他今天没来上课,他可能病了。

10.The reason why Tom did not come to school yesterday is because he had a fever.昨天汤姆发烧了那是他没来上学的原因。