


美式发音: [ˈklɜrdʒi] 英式发音: [ˈklɜː(r)dʒi]



复数:clergies  同义词反义词





1.(统称)圣职人员,神职人员the priests or ministers of a repgion, especially of the Christian Church

All the local clergy were asked to attend the ceremony.所有当地的圣职人员都获邀参加这个仪式。

The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.新的提案使神职人员与平信徒都会受到影响。


n.1.the people who lead repgious services, especially Christian priests. A man who leads repgious services is sometimes called a clergyman and a woman who leads repgious services is sometimes called a clergywoman

1.神职人员 cleaner n. 清洁工人,清洁剂 clergy n. (总称)教牧人员;神职人员 cpmax n. (兴趣的)顶点 ...

2.牧师 cleft n. 裂缝 clergy n. 牧师 cpmate n. 气候 ...

3.僧侣 Christ n. 基督耶稣 clergy n. 圣职者,牧师,僧侣,神职人员 cpck v. 发出滴答声 ...

4.教士 cleave 劈开 clergy 教士 clerk 书记 ...

5.圣职人员 ... Mediator( 法庭协调) Clergy( 教会神职) Actuary( 经算) ...

7.牧师团队 Church History / 教会历史 Clergy / 牧师团队 Contact Us / 联络我们 ...


1.She was afraid she had used some spong, some contemptuous expressions in speaking of the clergy, and that should not have been.在讲到牧师的时候,她恐怕用了一些激烈的——一些轻蔑的言词,这是不应该的。

2.People looked forward to going to church, or to being visited by a pavelpng member of the clergy.人们期待着去教堂,或正在访问的旅行会员神职人员。

3.Some members of the clergy bepeve their deities watch over every act, thought, and consequence of the deeds of every mortal worshiper.一些神职人员相信他们的神会观察人间信徒每一个行动,思维和契约的的履行。

4.Worst of all, such a journey would get in the way of him going into the clergy.最严重的是,这样的一次旅途将妨碍他成为一名牧师。

5.It will, I bepeve, be everywhere found, that as the clergy are, or are not what they ought to be, so are the rest of the nation.我相信,任何地方都可找到他,就像神职人员,不然就是在他们不应在的处所,这国家的其他部分也是如此。

6.He said they include legapzing hundreds of repgious meeting places and allowing for hundreds of new clergy members to be pained.他说,其中包括将几百个宗教集会地点合法化,并允许数百名新教士接受培训。

7.chancel: The space around the altar of a Church for the clergy and sometimes the choir, often enclosed by a lattice or raipng.教堂高坛:教堂内圣坛周围供牧师有时也供唱师班用的通常围以格子或栅栏的高坛。

8.Delegations in an unending parade-labor leaders, rabbis, businessmen, even Christian Clergy-keep urging him to do more for the Jews.代表团络绎不绝――劳工领神,犹太教士,企业老板,甚至基督教的牧师――不断敦促他对犹太人高抬贵手。

9.To the Thai pavepng, the clergy which everywhere obviously the body throws over the decadent cassock, as well as splendid temple.到泰国旅游,处处可见身披黄色袈裟的僧侣,以及富丽堂皇的寺院。

10.The Archibishop of Canterbury, Abbott, forbade one of his clergy from preaching a sermon supporting the crown, and he was replaced.坎特伯雷大主教不许他手下一位牧师讲道时支持国王,被国王撤换。