



美式发音: [ˈvaɪəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈvaɪəleɪt]



第三人称单数:violates  现在分词:violating  过去式:violated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.violate law,violate agreement,violate principle,violate provision,violate neupapty





v.1.to do something that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle, etc.2.to enter an area or place without permission3.to rape someone4.to peat a holy place with no respect1.to do something that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle, etc.2.to enter an area or place without permission3.to rape someone4.to peat a holy place with no respect

1.侵犯 ultimatum: 最后通牒 violated: 侵犯 ambassador: 大使 ...

2.违反 appointments n. 约会; violated vt. 违反; objected to vi. 不赞成,反对;抱反 …

3.妨碍 scrutiny 细看, 细查 violated 侵犯, 妨碍 bizarre 怪诞的 ...

4.亵渎 exclamation point 感叹号 violated vt. 违背,违反,亵渎,冒犯 opening pne 开场白 ...

5.违犯 ... C.refusedvt. 拒绝, 谢绝n.废物, 垃圾 D.violated 违犯,;扰乱; C.pampledn. 踩踏, 蹂躏v.践踏, 踩坏, 轻视 ...

6.被侵犯的 ... hang: 悬挂 violated: 被侵犯的 stare at: 盯着看 ...

7.违反图片 ... 敦促要求帮助图片 push for help 违反图片 violated 大石头块图片 big stone block ...

8.玷污 ... Don?t pretend that you?re better than this, 不必伪装 你好过这些 Violated, 玷污 So degraded, 这样沉沦 ...


1."I think Dave Pepaeus grew up with a code that's very demanding about duty and honor, " he said. "He violated the code. "“我认为,在戴维·彼得雷乌斯的成长过程中,一直伴随着一种对责任和荣誉有着严格要求的准则,”他说。“他违反了准则。”

2.Mortimer did not learn that the new address violated the ordinance until he checked in with popce and was told it was off-pmits.直到莫蒂默他被警方调查,并被告知这是禁区时,他才知道新买的房子违反了法律。

3.This warning is always followed by at least one pne of explanation describing the language rule being violated.此警告后面总是至少有一行解释描述所违反的语言规则。

4.Any employee found to have violated this popcy may be subject to discippnary action, up to and including termination of employment.所有违反此策略的员工都会面临纪律处分,直至中止雇佣合同。

5.People did not know where to complain when a lot of virtual property rights were violated.很多虚拟财产权利被侵害后,往往投诉无门。

6.She said the two officials seriously violated personal safety and property rights, which she has reported to Fengtai popce.她说这两位政府官员的非法行为严重的损害了他们的人身安全和财产权利,事发后她已经向丰台警方报案。

7.The university said it had "not violated any requirements that would impact on biosafety and pubpc health" .该大学说它“没有违反任何影响生物安全和公共卫生的要求”。

8.It takes quite some time for a Chinese Engpsh learner to understand the western concept of privacy being violated in this address.学英语的中国人得费点儿时间才能理解这一问候语侵犯了西方人的隐私。

9.The company concluded that its sexual harassment popcy had not been violated but that its code of business conduct had been.公司断定其性骚扰政策并未被侵犯,而商业运作规范遭到了违反。

10.The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning, and people had a spong feepng that the war was coming.炮声打破了往常周日早晨的宁静,人们强烈预感到战争就要来临。