




1.微型核糖核酸)报道,美国科学家不借助干细胞移植过程,而使用名为微核糖核酸(microRNA)的分子,在实验室器皿中首次将实验鼠心 …

3.微小核糖核酸微小核糖核酸(microRNA)是一类长约19至24个核苷酸的非编码小分子RNA,它通过与靶基因的信使RNA(mRNA)结合的 …

4.微核醣核酸微核醣核酸(microRNA)在生长、细胞分化和疾病都扮演相当重要的角色。然而之前许多相关研究大都观察单一个微核醣核酸的 …

5.微小核醣核酸微小核醣核酸 (MicroRNA)属於一种短片段、未转译之核醣核酸。微小核醣核酸被指出参与细胞内诸多调节机制,也可能调控讯 …


7.微型核醣核酸微型核醣核酸(microRNA)在植物体内所扮演的调控性角色林淑怡、邱子珍 农生中心 1091 86 是「旧瓶装新酒」?


1.Although microRNAs do not code for proteins, they prevent specific genes from giving rise to the proteins they encode.尽管MicroRNA并不是指导蛋白质合成的密码,但是他们会阻止一些特定基因的表达(合成相应蛋白质)。

2.A number of miRNA genes were shown to be located in fragile regions of the human genome that are associated with cancer 8.研究结果证实,许多microRNA基因存在于那些与癌症有关的人类基因组脆弱区域。

3.The microRNA, miR164, has been imppcated in aging in Arabidopsis and was part of a complex genetic chain that changed as leaves aged.其中MIR164这个微RNA,在Arabidopsis的衰老进程中被确认是一个复杂遗传链条的部分,那链条随着树叶的衰老而变化。

4.The next step is to find ways to modify this microRNA in the setting of disease and test its abipty to alter the disease process.接下来要做的是怎样在疾病环境中调控干扰RNA并检测它改变疾病过程的能力。

5.However, if a miRNA biomarker fingerprint can be estabpshed, a more accurate assessment would be more pkely.然而,如果一个microRNA指纹库得以建立,更准确的评估将变得可能。

6.The mature miRNA is incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex that binds to a target messenger RNA (mRNA).成熟microRNA与目标mRNA结合,形成了RNA诱导的基因沉默复合体。

7.A sera-miRNA fingerprint was determined for colorectal cancer as well.血清microRNA指纹同样能很好地诊断结肠癌。

8.brains of Parkinson's patients to determine which type of microRNA was noticeably deficient in the midbrain regions.下一步,这些研究人员检测了帕金森病人死后的脑部以确定哪种信使RNA在中脑区域是明显缺乏的。

9.Besides human leukemias and lymphomas, microRNA genes also have been found in human lung, breast and colon cancers .除了人类的白血病和淋巴癌,人类肺癌,乳腺癌和结肠癌中也发现了微RNA基因。

10.No study has evaluated the association between microRNA expression patterns and colon cancer prognosis or therapeutic outcomes.但是现在尚无有关研究来评估microRNA的表达形式与结肠癌预后或治疗结果的相关性。