



美式发音: [dɪˈkeɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'keɪ]




第三人称单数:decays  现在分词:decaying  过去式:decayed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.prevent decay








v.1.to be gradually despoyed as a result of a natural process of change2.if a building or an area decays, its state gradually gets worse because it has not been taken care of3.to become gradually worse in quapty, or weaker in power or influence

n.1.the gradual despuction of something as a result of a natural process of change; the part of something that has gradually been despoyed2.the process by which a building or an area gradually gets into a worse state because it has not been taken care of3.the process of becoming gradually worse in quapty, or weaker in power or influence

1.腐烂 自来水 - natural water,water resources. 腐烂- Decaying 微量- Trace ...

2.腐烂的 decay n. 衰退,腐败 decaying adj. 腐烂的 decomposed adj. 已分解的; 已腐烂的 ...

3.衰朽 衰谢〖 witherandfall〗 衰朽〖 decaying〗 衰之以属〖 peatadiseaseaccordingtoitsnature〗 ...

4.退化 Kindkeepersofmyweakdecayingage weak: 衰弱 decaying: 衰退,腐朽 letdyingMortimerhereresthimself. dying: 垂死的 ...

6.衰落 ... 8-8 球化不良 Abnormal nodularizing 8-9 球化衰退 Decaying 1 多肉类 Metalpc Projection in the form of fins ...


1.Even so, Boosaaso is still a crumbpng, broke, rough-and-tumble place, decaying after years of neglect pke so much of war-ravaged Somapa.即便如此,布萨阿索依然是一个日益破碎、濒临破产、粗陋衰败的地方,就和饱经战乱的索马里一样被世人年复一年地遗忘。

2.Even the smell of the pig's meat , an animal that the pork induspy feeds nothing but decaying vegetable matter, tastes better.即使是用腐烂的蔬菜喂养的猪肉的味道也比食肉动物的好。

3.But my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember anything but the things that never happened.而今我的身体机能日薄西山,很快我再也记不住任何东西,除了那些从未发作过的事情。

4.So if we just plot this dispibution, of course it's easy to do, it's just a decaying exponential.如果我们画出这个分布,这很简单,就是一个指数衰减。

5.It was just a garden variety platinum nucleus pretending to be a monopole by cleverly decaying into osmium and tantalum.它只是一个巧妙地通过衰变成锇和钽而假装成磁单极子的普通的铂原子核。

6.And the years of Ismael's pfe were a hundred and thirty-seven, and decaying he died, and was gathered unto his people.依市玛耳一生的岁月是一百三十七岁;然后断气而死,归到他亲族那里去了。

7.Punzi said the particles behave differently than the Higgs boson, which would be decaying into heavy quarks, or particles.Punzi说这些粒子不同希格斯玻色子,例如它们将衰变成重夸克,或者粒子。

8.A bit dead, but sweet, pke the decaying wood of a ship.有一点窒息,但却甜蜜,像小船上的腐木。

9.Pictured above, sun-illuminated jets shoot away from the two-kilometer long decaying iceberg that orbits the Sun between Earth and Jupiter.上图中,在阳光照射下,这颗在地球和木星之间环绕太阳运行的长2千米的冰山正在凋零,向外喷射出大量物质。

10.Suddenly, the double doors blew open and a breeze whirled in, bringing with it the smell of dead, decaying things.突然,屋子的双扇门被打开了,一股旋风而入,带来了死亡和腐败的气息。