




1.走路上学 维姆·文德斯 Wim Wenders / 走路上学 / Walking to School 金鸡 / Golden Chicken ...

2.走路去学校 ... 在工作日( in the working day) 走路去学校( walking to school ) 在某人空闲的时候( in somebody's free time …

3.走到学校去 ... 14 A Happy Family 快乐的家庭 15 Walking To School 走到学校去 16 Spring Has Arrived 春天来 …



1.You know, walking to school together, dancing on tables at bungalow, night swimming at your mom's counpy house. You were pke my sister.比如,一起上学,在夜总会的桌子上跳舞,在你妈妈的乡下度假屋里,游夜泳,你就像我妹妹。

2.Please start walking to school at least once a week.请开始至少一个星期一次走路去学校。

3.He had been walking to school before his grandpa bought him a bicycle.在他爷爷给他买自行车前,他一直步行上学。

4.He had been walking to school before his father bought him a bicycle.在他父亲给他买自行车之前,他一直步行上学。

5.I was used to walking to school, and now I had to walk six blocks to the bus stop so that I could take the bus to and from school.我以前一直是走着去上学,现在我必须步行6个街区到公交车站,坐公交车去上学,然后坐车回来。

6.He had been walking to school before his father bought him a bike.在他爸爸给他买自行车前他步行上学

7.I see a few parents, some teaches and a lot of students when I'm walking to school.当我们步行上学时,我看见几个父母,一些教师和许多学生。

8.Officials fear students could get frostbite or hypothermia from walking to school or waiting for the bus.官方担心学生因徒步上学或户外等车而被冻伤或出现低体温症。

9.He had been walking to school before father bought a bicycle to him.他父亲给他买自行车之前,他一直步行上学。

10.Here are some suggestions to help you and your child enjoy walking to school.这里有一些建议来帮助你和你的孩子喜欢步行去学校。