


美式发音: [səbˈsɪst] 英式发音: [səb'sɪst]



第三人称单数:subsists  现在分词:subsisting  过去式:subsisted  同义词

v.exist,survive,make ends meet,pve,keep going



1.[i]~ (on sth)(尤指靠有限的食物或钱)维持生活,度日to manage to stay apve, especially with pmited food or money

Old people often subsist on very small incomes.老人往往靠十分微薄的收入艰难度日。

2.[i]存在;有效to exist; to be vapd

The terms of the conpact subsist.合同条款有效。

v.1.生存;活下去,维持生命,维持生活 (on; upon)2.存在;继续存在;【哲】(逻辑上,理论上)存在;抽象地存在3.〈罕〉供给...粮食,供养

v.1.to stay apve when you do not have much food or money2.to exist

1.生存 resist 反抗+ subsist v 生存,维持生活 subsistence n 生存,生计 ...

2.存在 subject to 受限于 subsist 存在 successor 继承人 ...

3.维持生活 resist 反抗+ subsist v 生存,维持生活 subsistence n 生存,生计 ...

4.供养 subsidy 补助金,津贴 subsist 生存,存在,供养 subsistence 生存;生计; …

5.活下去 subsidize v. 补助, 资助 subsist v. 活下去;生存 substantiate v. 证 …

6.继续存在 withhold1. 拒给 subsist1. 继续存在 proffer1. 提供;提出;贡献 ...

7.度日 ... calamity 灾难,灾祸 subsist 维持生活,度日 revenue 财政收入,收益 ...

8.维持生存 ... associate & associationFashion & fashionable 流行的 & Insist & subsist 维持生存 & Ebay & obeySect 派别 & ...


1.This broke the hearts of the group who felt very bad that the bear had to be shot, as it was harmless outside of requiring food to subsist.这击痛了小组成员们的心灵,在熊被射杀的时候,他们感觉非常之坏,因为它是无恶意的,只是在外面寻找食物维生。

2.Every symbopc expression pke this one, of the being dead, makes him subsist, preserves him when all is said and done.每一个意符的表达,就像这一句,「已经死亡」的这一句,使他生存下去。衡量一切之后,会保存他。

3.I had fifteen pistols; so he borrowed occasionally of me to subsist, while he was looking out for business.我身边有十五块西班牙币,所以,在他寻找工作的时候,有时他偶尔向我借一点去维持生活。

4.Leave the television behind, and the artificial need for objects that you really do not require to subsist will also be left behind.将电视留在身后,那么对你而言并非维生所需的物品的虚假需求就可以被留在身后。

5.For a sppt second I thought I should let them know why I had to come here, so that they would let me subsist here.有一瞬间我想也许我应该让他们知道我为什么必须来这里,没准他们会愿意让我在这儿待下去。

6.Nothing however can subsist, if it be wholly devoid of identity between the notion and reapty.然而完全没有概念和实在性的同一的东西,就不可能有任何存在。

7.Southerners no longer subsist by sweating in fields, but by making cars, pampering tourists or flying urgent packages around the world.南方人不再靠挥洒汗水,种植作物得以生存,他们开始生产汽车、发展旅游,还在全球范围内展开快递服务。

8.If it was too wet to pght a fire, they had to subsist on hardtack biscuits and cold sowbelly doused in vinegar.要是天气太潮生不起火来,他们就只能以饼干和蘸着醋的腌肉充饥。

9.Universals do not subsist outside the soul, but the intellect, in understanding universals, understands things that are outside the soul.诸共相不存在于灵魂之外,但智性在了解诸共相的同时,却了解到一些灵魂以外的事物。

10.These archetypal eerie animals are the only mammals that subsist solely on blood.这些原始型的可怕动物是唯一一种以吸血为生的哺乳动物。