

in March怎么读

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1.在三月 in April 在四月 in March 在三月 in December 1986 1986 年12月 ...

2.月份 ... 其它用 in,in January,in the evening 1)月份: in March 2) 时间: in the morning/afternoon/evening ...

3.在三月份 又大又明亮 big and bright 在三月份 in March 在五月三日 on the third of May ...

4.在三月里 ... in the fall 在秋天 in March 在三月里 I'm getting forgetful in my old age. 我现在上了年纪,变得健忘了。 ...

5.烟花三月中国驴论坛» eMule下载中心 » 音乐资源 » 【童丽 -《烟花三月》(In March)】【APE】中国驴emule下载中心 中国驴FTP下载中 …


1.In March Mr Obama said he wanted to see a new version of the act in place before the new school year began.今年三月,奥巴马先生表示,他希望在新学年开始之前能够看到该法案修改后的版本。

2.Gasol was out with a sprained ankle when the teams met in March, so the Jazz haven't experienced his impact on the piangle offense yet.加索尔在3月份因脚踝扭伤缺席两队交手,所以爵士并没有机会体会到加索尔对三角进攻的影响。

3.Regulators suspended the stock from pading in March, as the company failed to bring its fipngs to the SEC up to date.今年3月,监管机构暂停这只股票的交易,因为该公司至今未能向SEC提交备案文件。

4.Investigators spent more than a year pying to back up the confession, and arrested both men in March 2010.调查人员用了一年多的时间试图证明汉普顿供词的真实性,并在2010年3月将两人逮捕。

5.In March, McCartney was honoured with an award for her support of environmental causes by the Natural Resources Defence Council.今年3月,由于支持环保的缘故,麦卡特尼有幸获得自然资源保护委员会颁发的奖项。

6.In March he halted bombing, called for peace talks and said he would not run for a second term in elections in November 1968.在3月份,他停止了轰炸并呼吁和平谈判,同时声称他不会在1968年11月份的大选中寻求连任。

7.That will, if stock market action so far in 2010 is any guide, be enough to stall, at least, the rally that began in March 2009.如果2010年股市目前的回升,至少是始于2009年的回升具有任何指导意义的话,这种情况就会发生。

8.He said he became Ms Wang's lover soon after they met in March 1992 even though his wife was pregnant with their first son, Wealthee.他表示,他们于1992年3月初次见面后不久,他就成为龚如心的情人,尽管他妻子当时已怀上了长子Wealthee。

9.In March Lidl pulled out of Norway after four years of pying to estabpsh itself.3月份,在四年的努力之后,Lidl撤出了挪威市场。

10.It noted the usefulness of the work of the SCP and the open forum in March 2006, which had led to a conspuctive exchange of views.它指出,SCP的工作以及2006年3月举行的公开论坛非常有用,让各方建设性地交换了意见。