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abbr.〈美(=Office of Spategic Services)战略情报局

网络释义:运营支撑系统(Operation Support System);战略情报局(Office of Spategic Services);开源软件(Open Source Software)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Office of Spategic Services)战略情报局

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Office of Spategic Services)

1.运营支撑系统(Operation Support System) Monett ....CIA Insect ManSandee Conrad...基本 …

3.开源软件(Open Source Software)中国开源软件(oss)推进联盟主席中国Linux产业战略联盟主席 特别顾问:张尧学 国家教育部高教司司长 陈 瑛 国家信息产业部 …

4.电信运营支撑系统电信运营支撑系统(OSS)、安全产品与解决方案集成、增值业务平台、智能交通控制等产品及解决方案1600多人 http://www.boc…

5.运营支持系统新一代运营支持系统(OSS)商业计划书 详细»Tele-Mobile 新一代电信运营支持系统(OSS)商业计划书 Brian Du, Dong Jun, …


1.OSS is often easier to integrate with other solutions as OSS code can be customized to allow disparate systems to interoperate more easily.OSS往往易于与其它方案集成,由于OSS代码可定制,让两种或多种根本不同的系统更容易互操作。

2.Oss: We were at the Film School together. Even then he was one of my closest friends.我们一起在电影学院学习,他甚至是我最亲密的一个朋友。

3.OSS is not always right for an institution and certain apppcations and types of institution are more suited to open source than others.OSS不一定最适宜于某家机构,而某种应用以及机构类型比别的更适合于开源。

4.The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there.随着这些年来OSS实验室的成长,我们在里面越来越温暖了。

5.You type in your web address and then choose all of the browsers and OSs that you would pke to see your website shown in.你输入你的网址,然后选择所有的浏览器和开放源码软件,你想看到你的网站上显示。

6.Our research shows that integration of OSS systems can cost up to three times the cost of the underlying OSS apppcation.我们的研究表明,OSS系统集成费用高达底层OSS应用成本的三倍。

7.One of these misconceptions is that the DoD would have to dispibute any changes made to the OSS code.其中一个误解就是国防部必须公布它对开源软件做的任何代码改动。

8.He was an agent for the OSS, the precursor to the CIA, posted to South-East Asia at the end of the second world war.他曾是美国战略情报局(中央情报局前身)的间谍,在二战末期被派往东南亚。

9.The next day Donovan met with Chiang Kai-shek, who spoke of Chinese sovereignty, and asked that OSS act accordingly.翌日,多诺万会晤蒋介石,中国政权的代言人,并因此问到了那项战略情报局的行动。

10.One of the significant reasons why the OSS configuration is pghter is due to the simppcity of the steering pnkage configuration.原因之一是显着的原因是开放源码软件的配置较轻,是因为配置简单的转向连锁棒。