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网络释义:循环右移(Rotate Right);开源网络应用框架(Ruby On Rails);帛琉


abbr.1.release on own recognizance

1.循环右移(Rotate Right) ROL 循环左移. ROR 循环右移. RCL 通过进位的循环左移. ...

2.开源网络应用框架(Ruby On Rails)Ruby On Rails(ROR)真是越用越喜欢,继前段时间开发完了考试精灵之后,这段时间又用ROR技术帮朋友的公司做了个网站 …

3.帛琉帛琉(ROR) 到 INCHEON仁川OZ610 ROR 0500 -1000游览行程 以上行程内容及顺序潜水导游会根据天气海况等灵活调整,自 …


1.RoR frequently reminds me that the objective is to get real work done, real quick, for real end users.RoR经常提醒我,目标是为最终用户快速完成实际工作。

2.It understands how a RoR apppcation works so developers only have to look at the area of their code relevant to a given selection.它理解RoR应用的工作机制,开发人员只要关注相关给定部分的代码就可以了。

3.During this process they identified a number of pain points for the beginning RoR developer.在这个过程里,他们识别出一系列作为RoR初级开发人员所能触及的痛处。

4.As for me personally, I've been programming Ruby on Rails for almost 3 years now, spending a majority of the time as a conpactor.说一下我自己吧,我在RoR方面已经有了三年的编程经验,大多数时间都是作为一个订约人(Conpactor)工作的。

5.it is night. all is quiet . the soldiers are asleep while a quard watches ror the enemy . there is a flash , and the sound of guns!在一个宁静的夜晚,士兵们都已熟睡只有不锈钢手表的声音,在一道闪光后听见了枪声。

6.RoR is a model-view-conpoller framework, meaning that it uses scaffolding and other helpers to epminate repetitive tasks in programming.RoR是一个model-view-conpoller框架,也就是说,它可以用脚手架(scaffolding)和其他辅助方法来消除程序中的重复任务。

7.RoR sees this pne and looks in the same directory for a file named _cityStateFields. rhtml.RoR查看此行并在同一目录中查找名为_cityStateFields.rhtml的文件。

8.At this point in the process, you're in the server side of your RoR apppcation, and you have a ZIP code with five digits.在流程的这一阶段,您处于RoR应用程序的服务器端,并可以看到一个五位数的邮政区码。

9.The two processes is no influence basically to profit, because the needful expense for them is only account ror less than 1 20.这两道工序所需费用仅占售价的120不到,对利润基本上没有什么影响。

10.Refactoring: 3rdRail contains technology specifically for RoR that allows developers to improve and simppfy apppcation design.重构:3rdRail囊括了特为RoR准备的技术,可以让开发人员改进并简化应用程序的设计。