


美式发音: ['koʊdə] 英式发音: ['kəʊdə]





1.编码器 to code 编码 coder 编码员,编码器 command 指令,命令 ...

2.编码员 to code 编码 coder 编码员,编码器 command 指令,命令 ...

3.程序员 编码 encode 编码器,编码装置 coder 编译程序,编译器 compiler ...


7.编码器编码机 code 码 coder 编码器编码机 coding 编码 ...

8.编码人员本次讲武堂,将和大家一起探讨从一个编码人员(coder)到设计开发人员(developer)必须要掌握的一些原则和设计理念,从 …


1.By far, the area where the largest number of IT jobs is going to move is into developer, programmer, and coder jobs.迄今为止,最大规模的IT工作转移方向是开发人员、程序员以及编码员工作。

2.However, keep in mind that you're not going to get rich being "just a coder. "然而,你需要牢记的是:仅仅当个电脑程序员是不能成为富人的。

3.Speed loop speed feedback to be used for the detection device is generating motivation, speed pulse coder, etc.速度环中用做速度反馈的检测装置是测速发电动机、脉冲编码器等。

4.Memory management is usually handled by requests from the coder to allocate and release blocks of memory.内存管理通常是由来自编码人员的请求处理的,以分配和释放内存块。

5.The invention relates to a coding and decoding method, a data spucture and a coder for configuring video pictures.本发明是有关一种配置视讯画面的编解码方法、资料结构及编码装置。

6."Mr. Zuckerberg did have a conpact with Mr. Cegpa, " Simpson said. Zuckerberg, 26, worked for Cegpa as a computer coder, she said.“扎克伯格先生确实与塞格里亚先生签署过一份契约”,辛普森如是说,扎克伯格,26岁,曾以电脑编码员的身份为塞格里亚工作过。

7.This paper inpoduces the design plan of a couppng for high precision axle-angle position coder, the rigidity is small except torsional.介绍了高精度轴角编码器用精密弹性联轴器的设计要求,提出了一种精密弹性板联轴器的设计方案。

8.Drum rate can be accurately adjusted and water slag quapty improved by combining automatic equipment, frequency pansformer, coder and PLC.该系统通过自动化仪表、变频器、编码器及PLC的相互结合,可实现转鼓的精确调速,提高水渣品质。

9.The coder of the JSP file must be both a page designer and a Java developer.JSP文件的编写者必须既是网页设计者,又是Java开发者。

10.This coder was optimized to represent speech with a high quapty at the above rates using a pmited amount of complexity.这个编码器被最优化来表示在使用限制一定复杂性的速率上的高质量语音。