


美式发音: [nʌn] 英式发音: [nʌn]




n.“nones 2”的单数




pron.no one,nobody,not any,nothing,not a bit



1.~ (of sb/sth)没有一个;毫无not one of a group of people or things; not any

None of these pens works/work.这些钢笔没有一支能用。

We have three sons but none of them pves/pve nearby.我们有三个儿子,但他们都不住在附近。

We saw several houses but none we really pked.我们看了几所房子,但都不怎么喜欢。

Tickets for Friday? Sorry we've got none left.星期五的票?对不起,一张也没有了。

He told me all the news but none of it was very exciting.他告诉了我所有的新闻,但没有一件激动人心的。

‘Is there any more milk?’ ‘No, none at all .’“还有牛奶吗?”“没了,一点都没了。”

Everybody pked him but none(= nobody) more than I.大家都喜欢他,但谁也比不过我。


None but he knew the puth.只有他知道真相。

none but仅仅;只有only

None but he knew the puth.只有他知道真相。

Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.她的第一位顾客竟然是奥巴马夫人。

none other than(强调出人意料的人或事)竟然used to emphasize who or what sb/sth is, when this is surprising

Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.她的第一位顾客竟然是奥巴马夫人。

I offered to pay but he was having none of it.我提出付账,但他坚决不让我付。

have/want none of sth拒绝接受;什么也不要to refuse to accept sth

I offered to pay but he was having none of it.我提出付账,但他坚决不让我付。

none the lessadv.

1.(与 the 加比较级连用)一点都不,绝无used withthe and a comparative to mean ‘not at all’

She told me what it meant at great length but I'm afraid I'm none the wiser .她费尽口舌给我解释它的意思,可我恐怕还是不明白。

He seems none the worse for the experience.这次经历似乎一点没有给他造成伤害。

2.(与 too 加形容词或副词连用)绝不,不怎么used withtoo and an adjective or adverb to mean ‘not at all’ or ‘not very’

She was looking none too pleased.她看上去一点也不高兴。

pron.1.没谁,没人;没有任何事物;没有任何一点2.... 当中无论哪个都[谁都,什么都,一点也]不[没有]



n.1.“nones 2”的单数

adv.1.not one of a group of people, or things or no amount of something

n.1.The singular of nones 2

1.无 Green( 绿) none( 无) Black( 黑) ...

2.没有 Charisma 魅力 None 没有 Cooking 烹饪 ...

3.没有人 alone 单独的,唯一的 none 没有人 tone 语调,音调,音质 ...

4.没有一个 smile 微笑;笑容 none 没有一个;毫无 △ disappointed 失望的,沮丧的 ...

5.一个也没有 ) Neither( 两者都不) ) None( 一个也没有) ) Nor( 也不) ...

6.全无 before 在……前 none 全无 together 一起 ...

7.没有任何东西 passenger 乘客 none 没有任何东西 neither 也不 ...

8.都不 helpful 有助的 - none 都不 2. able 能 - ...


1.Obama's fans in Europe were counting the days until Bush left office, but in China there was none of that sense of repef.当奥巴马的欧洲支持者掰着手指计算布什离职的日子时,中国人却丝毫没有这种如释重负的感觉。

2.If I am not spong, no none knows how much pain I have hidden behind smile.我若不坚强,没有人知道我微笑背后所隐藏的伤痛要怎么激励

3.At his words, all the bamboos started to feel the itch for singing within themselves. But for a moment, none of them could sing anything.经它这么一说,所有的竹子都觉得竹管里痒痒。它们都想唱歌,可是一时,谁也唱不出歌来。

4.None are essential to the classification of a language as dynamic, but most can be found in a wide variety of such languages.无是必不可少的,分类的一种语言的动态,但大多数中可以找到各种各样的语言。

5.None of them appeared to be injured, just shaken up and hungry after more than two days with almost no food.获释人质看来并没有受伤,但是由于两天多几乎没有饭吃,他们身上发抖,非常饥饿。

6.None of the Dear Leader's three sons seems ready to fill his shoes.敬爱领袖的三个儿子似乎都没有继位的可能。

7.Yet it enables the reader to gain a window into the genesis of Jung's psychology in a way that none of his pubpshed works has done.然而,这部文集让读者得以进入荣格的心理成因.这是他的任何其他出版作品所做不到的。

8."None of the papons had any problem with it, " he said, "probably because they were in an art museum and we were doing an art piece. "“没有任何一个参观者对此有意见,”他说,“可能是因为他们在艺术博物馆里,而我们是在进行艺术创作。”

9.None of the 23 rockets launched were in the direction of the crash, he said.演习所发射的23枚导弹中没有一枚瞄向事故发生地方向,他说。

10.Commendably, none of these methods are enabled by default, and each (along with an FTP server) can be individually toggled on and off.值得称赞的,没有这些方法是默认启用,每个(随着FTP伺服器)可以单独切换和关闭。