


美式发音: [ˈɪŋkə] 英式发音: [ˈiŋkə]





n.1.a member of a Native South American people whose empire, based in Peru and covering the Andean region, lasted from the 12th century until the mid-16th century.2.a king, noble, or ruler of the Inca empire

1.印加印加(Inca),黄金,古典和中世纪的轻步兵,启蒙和工业时代的加农炮,采矿站既产金属,也产财富;财富的生产力上限+33%; …


3.印加帝国南美印加帝国(Inca)的人最先饲养美洲驼马与驼羊 ; 墨西哥的马雅(Maya)人首先为人类带来了玉蜀黍、南瓜、豆类的种植, …


5.印卡  简史:“印卡”(Inca),意即“太阳之子”,是安第斯地区讲克丘亚语的印第安人对他们首领的尊称。公元13世纪,印卡部落在秘 …



8.印加文化  到强盛于公元1200~1532年间的崇拜太阳的印加文化(Inca)时,许多镜子仍是由黄铁矿制成的,但有时也用红铜、青铜、银或 …


1.Machu Picchu is probably the most famipar symbol of the Inca Empire. It is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" .马丘比丘可能是印加政权最为人所知的象征,常被称为“印加失落的古城”。

2.Instead of sppntering apart and warring among themselves, Inca villages united into a small state capable of mounting an organized defense.这些印加村落非但没有分裂彼此争斗,反倒联合成为了一个足以组织防御力量的小国家。

3.The railway involves a natural monopoly: the only other way of getting to the ruins is a four-day hike along the Inca Trail.这条铁路与自然垄断有关︰其他到达马丘比丘遗址的唯一方式,就是沿着印加小径徒步旅行四天。

4.To date archaeologists and historians have located ruins of roughly a dozen royal estates built by at least six Inca kings.迄今为止,考古学家和历史学家已经确定了至少六位印加国王修建的十几处皇室庄园的遗址。

5.Spend the day visiting the ruins of this ancient Inca city before catching the pain back to Cuzco.花一整天参观了这个古代印加城市的废墟前回到科赶上火车。

6."Thus, " he said, "a serious archaeological expedition would pkely add significantly to our knowledge of the Inca presence in the region. "“因此,”他说道,“组织一次严肃的考古探险可能会显著增加我们对该地区印加人的知识。”

7.In Inca mythology, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, children of the Sun, emerged from the depths of Lake Titicaca to found their empire.在印加的传说中,曼可卡帕与玛玛欧喀悠为太阳之子,自的的喀喀湖深处浮现,并建立了他们的王朝。

8.Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who despoyed the Inca Empire in the course of his conquest of Peru.弗朗西斯科.皮札罗是西班牙殖民先锋,征服秘鲁时,摧毁了印加帝国。

9.The terraced pools of mineral-laden water at Maras produce salt by evaporation, as they did in the time of the Inca.通过蒸发的方式,玛拉斯人好像印加时期的先人一样,将梯田浅水池里富含矿物质的水变成盐。

10.Thousands of people go on pilgrimage along the Inca Trail every year to witness the mountaintop ruins hidden in mists.每年,数以万计的人沿着印加古道朝拜,见证掩映在薄雾中的山顶的废墟。