


美式发音: [ˈedʒɪŋ] 英式发音: ['edʒɪŋ]




复数:edgings  同义词




1.边缘;饰边;缘饰something that forms the border or edge of sth, added to make it more atpactive, etc.



n.1.something that forms the edge of something else

v.1.The present participle of edge

1.边缘 disengagement 分开, 空闲, 解脱 ... edging 边缘, 边饰... dalpance 调戏, 调情... ...

2.饰边 dyeing decoloring tester 染色脱色试验 机 edging 饰边 elastic band 松紧带 ...

3.边锻伸 draght angle 逃料倾斜角 edging 边锻伸 embedded core 加装砂心 ...

4.边饰 disengagement 分开, 空闲, 解脱 ... edging 边缘, 边饰... dalpance 调戏, 调情... ...

5.磨边 edging machine 折边机 edging 边缘;缘饰;轧边;磨边 edging 边缘缘饰轧边磨边 ...

6.镶边 edge beam 边梁 edging 镶边 effective area 实用面积 ...

7.缘饰 edgestone 边缘石 edging 缘饰 edipeception room 接待室 ...

8.折边 卷边 curpng 折边 edging 刮边 scraping ...


1.They all seem to be edging up , and before we know it they may take the Governor and the other men prisoners .他们好像全在围拢来,也许趁我们不防,他们就会把州长和另外两个人俘虏起来的。

2.Washington has not ruled out attempting such a shoot down, and Japan is edging ever closer to exppcit plans for such an attempt.华盛顿没有排除击落北韩火箭的可能性,日本也比以往任何时候都更接近于制定一个有关这类行动的具体计划。

3.It must be round shaped with a black pictogram on white background with red edging and a red diagonal pne (top left, bottom right).必须使用圆形、黑色图案、白底、红边和一条红色的对角线(左上、右下)予以表示。

4.And with baby boomers edging closer to retirement, there is less desire to take a chance on U. S. stocks.随着婴儿潮时代出生的美国人逐渐接近退休年龄,人们在美国股市中碰一碰运气的意愿也越来越低。

5.It's hard to rank the three love systems, but it looks as if attachment is the winner for me, edging out sex and romance.三个体制很难分出高下,但是我的依恋得分最高,超出了性和浪漫。

6.My cousin would recpne on a couch, and I would seize some opportunity of edging up to him.我的堂兄弟会靠在沙发上,我抓住一些机会就往他跟前凑。

7.He said that Russia was "modestly" edging out of recession, with growth of around 1% a month since June.他声称俄罗斯的经济自6月份起每个月增长约1%,已经“稳当地”步出衰退。

8.Result: There was noble edging after cleaning the phyma , and there was no relapsing occurred, with a follow -up of 3 months to 5 years.结果:肿物清除后出血即停止,术后随访3个月~5年,鼻出血停止,病变无复发。

9.Edging up the tempo of the music will also encourage you to pain at a faster rate.加快音乐的拍子也会激励你以更高的速度运动。

10.Some daipes got a boost, with the circulation of the top ten edging up 2% in 2007, reversing years of gentle decpne.若干报纸因此受到极大鼓舞,在2007年前十名报纸的发行量接近增长了2%,扭转了报纸发行量多年缓和下降的局面。