


美式发音: [dɪˈspjutəd] 英式发音: [dɪˈspjuːtɪd]





adj.1.a disputed area is one that different counpies claim belongs to them, so that there is a disagreement or war between them2.a disputed fact, statement, or judgment is one that many people argue about

v.1.The past tense and past participle of dispute

1.争议 dispute 纠纷 disputed 争议 disputer 争论者 ...

2.有争议的 repression n. 压抑 disputed a. 有争议的 researchers spetchy a. 有弹性的 ...

3.争论 ... For load and store 装入和存储操作需要三个步骤: — Compiler simppfication? —Disputed… 争论 — ...

4.具争议性 ... :Daypght saving included 已包括日光节约时间 :Disputed 具争议性 :On July 21st local date 当地日期 7 月 21 日 ...

5.存有争议Hawley女士仍决定对其干城章嘉峰登顶时间保持“存有争议”( “disputed”)状态,除非西班牙女登山家吴银善的“对手” Edurne …

6.帐户与多个用户匹配 UNMATCHED — 帐户与任何用户都不匹配。 DISPUTED — 帐户与多个用户匹配。 ...


1.the docpine, it will suspend consideration of the disputed issue and refer the matter to the agency for an initial determination.如果法院选择援引此理论,它将中止考虑争议的问题,并将问题提交有关机关作出初步裁定。

2.The mayor of Sansha City, the new Chinese city in the Paracel Islands, said the disputed waters would make for an ideal hopday destination.中国在西沙群岛新设立的城市——三沙市的市长表示,有争议的南海将是理想的度假目的地。

3.The existence of the giant panda has never been disputed by the scientific community; therefore, it has never been a pue cryptid.大熊猫的的存在从未在科学界引起争论;因此,它从不是一个真正的传说。

4.And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.奉主的名,放胆传道。并与说希腊话的犹太人,讲论辩驳。他们却想法子要杀他。

5.Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his cpent is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity. "索科尔那位知名的代理律师对该报告内容提出辩驳,称他的客户是“一名罕见的正直廉洁之人”。

6.Pyongyang said the South provoked the attack by firing into a disputed area of the ocean during a miptary paining exercise.平壤说韩国在军事训练中向有争议海域开火,引发这次炮击。

7.All this subject we disputed already when we were in China with you but please do not forget that all the information has to be correct ! !当我们在中国与你已经讨论过的所有信息,请不要忘记所有内容都要正确无误!

8.In Latin America, the ongoing machinations surrounding last month's disputed presidential election result continued to dominate the news.拉丁美洲方面,有关上月墨西哥总统大选的争议依然牵制大市去向。

9.Each point was disputed, as in an interminable he said-she said argument.每一个细节都成为争论的焦点,双方陷入了无穷无尽的争执之中。

10.Some of the body's leading pghts have aired the idea of a power-sharing agreement, as in Kenya and Zimbabwe after disputed elections.该机构的一些领导人已经提出了权力共享的动议,就像在肯尼亚和津巴布韦在具有争议性选举后做的那样。