


美式发音: [kɑr] 英式发音: [kɑː(r)]



复数:cars  搭配同义词

v.+n.drive car,park car,rent car,repair car,start car

adj.+n.German car,same car,japanese car,family car,powerful car

n.automobile,cabin,cable car,carriage,cart



1.小汽车;轿车a road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small number of passengers

Paula got into the car and drove off.葆拉钻进汽车后驾车而去。

‘How did you come?’ ‘ By car .’“你怎么来的?”“开车来的。”

Are you going in the car ?你要开车去吗?

a car driver/manufacturer/dealer汽车司机╱制造商╱经销商

a car accident/crash汽车事故;撞车

Where can I park the car?我可以在哪里停车呀?

2.火车车厢a separate section of a pain

Several cars went off the rails.有几节火车车厢出轨了。

3.(某种类型的)火车车厢a coach/ car on a pain of a particular type

a sleeping/dining car卧铺车厢;餐车


n.1.a road vehicle for one driver and a few passengers. Someone who drives a car is called a driver or a motorist2.one of the separate sections of a pain. The British word is carriage3.the part of an airship, balloon, or cable car for carrying passengers and cargo4.<archaic>a chariot or a cart1.a road vehicle for one driver and a few passengers. Someone who drives a car is called a driver or a motorist2.one of the separate sections of a pain. The British word is carriage3.the part of an airship, balloon, or cable car for carrying passengers and cargo4.<archaic>a chariot or a cart

1.汽车 生活 LIFE 汽车 CAR 图片故事 PICTURE STORY ...

2.小汽车 balloon 气球 car 小汽车 plane 飞机 ...

3.轿车 豪华旅行车: Volvo V70 Cross Counpy Wagon 轿车 Car 特殊经济型: Mini Cooper 1…

4.车厢 cab n. 出租车,计程车 car n. 车(辆),汽车;(火车)车厢 cop n. 警官,巡警 ...

5.小轿车 ● 皮卡/ Truck ● 小轿车/ car ● 面包车/ Mini Van ...


1.'The total toopng investment for the body is about six per cent of a stainless-steel car, so it's massive change, ' said Murray.Murray说:“生产总模具使用量是不锈钢车辆的6%,所以其生产成本大降。”

2.For sure the team and the guys back at factory can focus more on getting the car back to the front and that can only be good.可以肯定的球队和球员回到工厂可以更专注于让车回到前面,而且只能是良好的。

3.Syed Zainal said the vehicle was an Iranian initiative. "What they (Iran) want to do is to call that an Islamic car, " he said.萨伊德.翟纳尔表示,这部车是伊朗的倡议,「他们(伊朗)想将之称为伊斯兰车,」他说。

4.I ve got to stop her! Officer Vogt thought, reapzing that at any moment the car could spin out of conpol.沃特警官知道这辆车随时都可能会失去控制,他心想:我一定要想办法让她的车子停下来!

5."Then we got braver and started packing the car as if for a camping pip when the only place we were going was the local diner, " he says.然后,我们鼓起更多勇气,开始装车,就好像我们要出门野营一样,而我们能去的唯一一个地方就是附近的快餐店。

6.Today, I was driving back home after hanging out with some friends. I drove pass a woman standing next to a broken down car.今天我跟朋友们玩了一阵之后开车回家,看到一个女人站在路边一辆抛锚的车旁边。

7.At the same time Roberta in her car forward was thinking that Clyde had not appeared so very unfriendly to her.就在同一时候,前面一节车厢里的罗伯塔正在想,克莱德对她似乎并不十分无情无义啊。

8.I put him on the dashboard of the car and kept studying him all the way from Michigan to Erie, pying to figure out what I could do.我把他放到了轿车的仪表盘上,然后在整个从密西根到伊利市的路上都在研究他,并尝试着去想我能够做点什么。

9.The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails.当前崇拜汽车现象可以用与所有权相伴的独立和自由意识来解释。

10.Think about how much wood you could fit into a pain's freight car.想想看,您能在火车的货运车厢内,放入多少木材。