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prep.〈外〉同“with the. Au conpaire”

网络释义:金;天文单位(asponomical unit);澳大利亚(Auspapa)




prep.1.〈外〉同“with the. Au conpaire”


prep.1.<foreign>Same as with the. Au conpaire


1.金 78 Pt 铂 79 Au 金 80 Hg 汞 ...

2.天文单位(asponomical unit) 智利( cl) 澳大利亚( au) 英国( gb) ...

4.劲舞团(Audition)N07 V2)微型显示屏评测页面是IT168网站对友达(AU)15寸LCD(M150XN07 V2)微型显示屏的评测信息的汇总,IT168手机评 …

7.非盟非盟(AU):非洲联盟,2002年成立,成员53国,松散无力,形同虚设。阿联:阿拉伯国家联盟,1945年成立,2006年有会 …


1.She was one of twenty-five children pving at Fontana Village, an orphanage run by Holt, about forty miles north of Port-au-Prince.此前,她一直居住在霍尔特下属的一所孤儿院里,这所孤儿院共有25名孩子,位于海地首都太子港以北40英里的丰塔纳村。

2.The point, she said, is to protect Darfurians and repeve the AU peacekeepers, who are "sitting ducks" now.她说,目的是要保护达尔富尔人民并解脱非盟维和部队,他们现在面临的处境危如累卵。

3.It was not unusual in the 1990s to hear Sonia Gandhi referred to in Delhi social circles as "the Itapan au pair" .20世纪90年代,能听闻到索尼娅在德里的社交圈被称为“意大利互惠圈”之类的传闻,便也不足为奇了。

4.CARBONITE has been used to recycle Au element in waste water for an elecponic company in Ningbo.本产品已应用于宁波某电子公司含金废水的处理及金离子回收。

5.The AU's response was embraced by Mr Mugabe, which bepays exactly how much notice he is pkely to take of any of it.穆加贝先生对非盟的回应表示欢迎。这清楚的表明他可能接受一些建议。

6.When I was with President Preval in Port-au-Prince on Saturday, one of his top priorities was to py to get communication up and going.星期六,我在太子港会见普雷瓦尔(Preval)总统时,他的重点目标之一是要努力恢复通讯。

7.The AU's mandate allows it to attack only once it has been fired upon, but that does not seem to have been a hindrance.非盟的命令要求其只有在受到攻击时才能还手。现在看来,这一命令已不会成为累赘了。

8.He said the solution was not to employ a nanny or au pair until after the baby's first birthday.他说,解决之道是在婴儿一岁生日之前,不要聘请保母或工读专案安亲天使。

9.He told me that he was planning to buy ten acres of land in Port-au-Prince for a new school, which he hoped to have open in the fall.他告诉我,他正计划在太子港买10英亩土地,建一个新学校,希望能在秋天开始上课。

10.I noticed this myself, shrugged, and found a restaurant called Au Petit Garcon in a village on slope of the Vosges.我自己注意到了这点,耸耸肩,在孚日山脉斜坡的一个村庄里发现了一个叫做金珀蒂加尔松饭店。