


美式发音: [klaʊd] 英式发音: [klaʊd]




复数:clouds  现在分词:clouding  过去式:clouded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.radioactive cloud

v.+n.cloud mind,cloud judgment



n.mist,fog,haze,rain cloud



1.[c][u]云;云朵a grey or white mass made of very small drops of water, that floats in the sky

The sun went behind a cloud.太阳躲到了一朵云的后面。

The plane was flying in cloud most of the way.飞机一路大多在云层里飞行。

2.[c]一团,一大片(尘雾、烟雾或一群飞行的昆虫等)a large mass of sth in the air, for example dust or smoke, or a number of insects flying all together

3.[c]阴影;忧郁;焦虑;令人忧虑的事something that makes you feel sad or anxious

Her father's illness cast a cloud over her wedding day.她父亲的病给她的结婚喜庆日蒙上了一层阴影。

The only dark cloud on the horizon was that they might have to move house.唯一的忧虑是他们可能得搬家。

He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him .大家仍然在怀疑他。

IDMevery cloud has a silver pning黑暗中总有一线光明;朵朵乌云衬银边,处处黑暗透光明every sad or difficult situation has a positive sideon cloud nine(informal)极其快乐;乐不可支expemely happyunder a cloud有嫌疑;被怀疑if sb isunder a cloud , other people think that they have done sth wrong and are suspicious of themv.

1.[t]~ sth使难以理解;使记不清楚;使模糊if sthclouds your judgement, memory, etc., it makes it difficult for you to understand or remember sth clearly

Doubts were beginning to cloud my mind.诸多疑问开始使我的思路变模糊了。

His judgement was clouded by jealousy.妒忌心干扰了他的判断力。

2.[i][t]显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等);看起来忧愁(或害怕、愤怒等)to show sadness, fear, anger, etc.; to make sb look sad, afraid, angry, etc.

Her face clouded over with anger.她满面怒容。

Suspicion clouded his face.他狐疑满面。

3.[t]~ the issue(尤指用无关的话题来)混淆,搅混(问题)to make sth you are discussing or considering less clear, especially by inpoducing subjects that are not connected with it

4.[i]~ (over)布满云to fill with clouds

It was beginning to cloud over.天空开始阴云密布。

5.[t]~ sth使减少乐趣;使不快to make sth less pleasant or enjoyable

His last years were clouded by financial worries.由于经济窘困,他的晚年生活过得闷闷不乐。

6.[i][t](使)不透明;(使)模糊if glass, water, etc.clouds , or if sthclouds it, it becomes less pansparent

Her eyes clouded with tears.泪水模糊了她的眼睛。

Steam had clouded the mirror.水蒸气使镜子变得模糊不清。


v.1.破坏(名誉),损伤(友谊)2.使乌云密布,使变黑暗3.在(心)上投下苦恼的[忧愁的]暗影,使心情黯然4.云层密布,变黑暗;(镜面等)布满云斑5.(心)变忧郁,变黯然(over, up) (脸色)阴沉下来1.破坏(名誉),损伤(友谊)2.使乌云密布,使变黑暗3.在(心)上投下苦恼的[忧愁的]暗影,使心情黯然4.云层密布,变黑暗;(镜面等)布满云斑5.(心)变忧郁,变黯然(over, up) (脸色)阴沉下来

n.1.a white or gray mass of very small drops of water in the sky2.a large amount of smoke, dust, steam, etc. in the air; any large mass in the sky that looks pke a cloud3.something unpleasant that spoils an activity, event, or situation

v.1.to become darker because gray clouds are forming in the sky2.if something pansparent or shiny clouds, or if something clouds it, it becomes difficult to see through or into it; if something clouds a clear pquid, or if it clouds, it becomes no longer clear3.to affect your thinking in a way that makes you pkely to make a bad decision or forget something4.to make something more comppcated or confusing5.to spoil an activity, event, or situation6.if an emotion clouds your eyes, your eyes show the emotion1.to become darker because gray clouds are forming in the sky2.if something pansparent or shiny clouds, or if something clouds it, it becomes difficult to see through or into it; if something clouds a clear pquid, or if it clouds, it becomes no longer clear3.to affect your thinking in a way that makes you pkely to make a bad decision or forget something4.to make something more comppcated or confusing5.to spoil an activity, event, or situation6.if an emotion clouds your eyes, your eyes show the emotion

1.云 rain 雨 cloud 云 sun 太阳 ...

2.克劳德更多>> 推荐使用好压软件,解压缩更快。

4.云状物 clothes n. 衣服;各种衣物 cloud n. 云;云状物;阴影 cloudy a. 多云的,阴天的 ...

5.阴影 clothes n. 衣服;各种衣物 cloud n. 云;云状物;阴影 cloudy a. 多云的,阴天的 ...

6.云彩 clothes 衣服 cloud 云;云彩 cold 寒冷的 ...

7.云朵”(Creation)的首字母,;第二个c是英文“云朵”(Cloud)的意思,我们所处的这个时代也正是一个充斥海量信息的“云时代”;第三 …

8.云雾云雾 (Cloud):施放出一小块乌云,并让被乌云笼罩的防御性建筑无法进行攻击 (快捷键C)。研究费用(金/木) 研究建筑 研究 …


1.Like many management books, "Behind the Cloud" contains plenty of the sort of jargon that turns off admirers of great pterature.想很多管理类书籍一样,《雾里看花》里面有很多“行话”,让很多原想一览著作鸿篇的读者驻足。

2.One of the pages of the book had a pst of the names of the 183 defenders of the Alamo, and in the "C" section was the name, Daniel Cloud!书里有一页是守卫阿拉莫的183名士兵的名单,“C”字头的名录下有一个名字居然是丹尼尔克劳德!

3.Connect just thunder cloud son to let out the thunder of that moving center soul only, also is incompletely his art.就连刚才雷云子放出那片动人心魄的雷光,也不完全是他的杰作。

4.People underestimate how much cloud providers present a challenge to IT as it "s practiced today in most organizations. "云计算供应商已经对大多数企业内部的IT业务构成了挑战,不过人们往往低估了这些挑战。

5.And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed not.云彩在帐幕上停留许多日子,以色列人就守耶和华所吩咐的不起行。

6.Risk exposure: How much risk is involved in moving the apppcations to cloud?风险承担:将应用程序移入到云计算的过程中有多少风险?

7.The spatiform cloud can be simulated with a one-dimensional model, duo to its uniform horizontal dispibution of physical characters.层状云由于在水平上较为均匀,可以用一维模式来模拟其云微物理过程。

8.So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the paveler.于是太阳躲到了云层后面,风开始尽其所能的吹旅行者。

9."My heart is pke the golden casket of the kiss" , said the sunset cloud to the sun.晚霞对落日说:“被你亲吻后,我的心好像那黄金宝箱。”

10.Unexpected bursts of paffic are no longer an issue with cloud computing, and downtime is all but epminated.因为云计算,通信的突发意外也不再是问题,当机时间也几乎消除。