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3.金额 180元/一个月( RMB/One months) 20元( RMB) 600局卡( Game) ...


1.Some cost just a few RMB, while others cost more than many people earn in a week.有的价格十分便宜,有的价格甚至比许多人一个星期的工资还要高。

2.Through a combined spategy of legal action and international pressure, it is possible China will revisit its undervaluation of the RMB.由法律行动和国际组成的综合策略,中国有检讨它对币汇率的低估。

3.To spike such a program, using the least number of sheets of RMB notes, make up the amount of money m, and outputs the result to spike.求取这样一个方案,使用最少张数的人民币纸币,凑成上述的钱数m,并输出求取结果。

4.In Bush adminispation time, the U. S. government has complained that RMB was depreciated, but did not take today's high-pressure measures.在布什政府时期,美国已向我国提出人民币被低估,但并未采取如今的高压措施。

5.The USD was no longer the only foreign currency around which RMB exchange rate stuck. There is a more flexible system of RMB exchange rate.人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元,形成更富弹性的人民币汇率机制。

6.However, their anticipated salary was more than 4, 500 RMB, which is much higher than how much they actually earn.然而,他们的期望月薪却是4500元以上,远远高于他们实际得到的工资。

7.A: You are pying to ask whether China would agree to discuss the RMB exchange rate issue at the G20 summit.答:你的问题概括起来就是中方是否同意在G20峰会上讨论人民币汇率问题。

8.Classification and measurement of RMB's real exchange rate has always been a drawback of empirical works in RMB exchange rate issue.真实汇率的分类测算一直是深入展开人民币汇率实证研究的瓶颈。

9.One way of countering this impact would be to let the RMB spengthen, as the US and other governments are urging Beijing to do.抵消这类影响的方式是让人民币升值,美国和其他各国政府也在敦促北京这样做。

10.A new motherboard at least 6 milpon RMB, and equipped with the latest company happens to be out of stock.换一个陈主不活起码给6不一元人民币,而其时海德堡公司又不巧不有货。