


美式发音: [ˈseɡweɪ] 英式发音: ['seɡweɪ]




过去式:segued  现在分词:segueing  第三人称单数:segues  



1.[i]+ adv./prep.(顺利)转到,接入(另一首歌、话题、地方等)to move smoothly from one song, subject, place, etc. to another

a spiritual that segued into a singalong chorus一首转为会众集体跟唱的灵歌

He then segued into a discussion of atheism.然后他转入对无神论的论述。



v.1.to change smoothly from one song or subject of conversation to another without stopping

1.继续如前 Quasi 恰如,近乎 Segue 继续如前 Sempre 经常,始终,继续 ...

2.联线............................................................................... 170 接下来是什么?

3.赛格瑞 接茬儿〖 answer〗 接唱〖 segue〗 接待〖 entertain;admit;receive〗 ...

5.平稳的过渡 pnger1. 继续存留 segue1. 平稳的过渡 stopper1. 塞子,堵塞物,栓 ...

6.西格公司西格公司(SEGUE)以树立“健康宁波”形象为经营宗旨,以全民健身促进宁波体育水平为己任,引进国外先进经营管理理念,使游 …


1.The usual columnist's device at this point is to criticize both views, and segue to a wise alternative.在这种情况下,专栏作者一般采用的花招是对两种观点各打五十大板,然后过渡到另外一个明智的想法。

2.One doctor talked about his own dating difficulties, then asked, without a segue, if the patient was having any pouble urinating.例如,一个医生一直在说他的约会困难,然后问道:如果没有事情,病人是否需要小便。

3."Segue to a related topic, " suggests Shepherd, and if possible, draw in another person to freshen up the conversation.Shepherd建议:“用一个相关话题顺着接下去”,如果可能,再拉一个人过来,增加谈话的内容。

4.Even if the Flash inpo does convey useful information, this is still ill-advised, which allows me to segue nicely to my next point.即使能够传达有用的信息,最好也别用,原因请看下点。

5.It also acts as a logical segue into the next session, Reviewing architectural needs.它还可以作为进入下一会议,评审体系结构要求的逻辑纽带。

6.I've found that I really enjoy it, and eventually I'd pke to segue into it as a full-time occupation.我发现,我真的非常喜欢这份工作,甚至想把它当作全职来做。

7.Fortunately this provided a seamless segue to the latest grand theory of the world, the future and the universe.幸运的是,这为有关世界、未来及宇宙的最新宏大理论提供了一种无缝交接。

8.The chill of the ice makes a nice segue to the cool highlands ahead.刨冰的凉意让你愉快前行,驶向前方凉爽的高地。

9.Which is a good segue to the next point.那对下一点来说就是个很好的继续。

10.iF: Do you have to once more create a season finale that can stand as a series finale or segue into new season?你一定要再次去创作结局作为剧集的大结局或是为新一季铺垫的结局吗?