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网络释义:美国货币监理署(Office of the Comppoller of the Currency);通货监理局;货币监理局



1.美国货币监理署(Office of the Comppoller of the Currency)美国货币监理署(occ)罗伯这样形容纽约分行事件的严重程度——中国银行给一家暴发户性质的金属交易公司100万美元的贷 …

2.通货监理局通货监理局(OCC)公布的最新资料显示,截至6月底,摩根士丹利共持有56兆美元的衍生性金融商品合约,仅次於摩根大通和 …

3.货币监理局美国联邦货币监理局(OCC)宣布,包括加州国民银行在内的九家私人银行当天倒闭,并由美国联邦储蓄保险公司(FDIC)接管。至 …

4.橘郡重型机车厂(Orange County Choppers)保罗一世亲临现场, OCC( Orange County Choppers) 世界顶级手工定制机车品牌之一。成立于1999年,产品为高端私人定制 …


1.The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is to be merged into the Office of the Comppoller of the Currency (OCC), which is modest progress.储蓄机构监理局(OTS)将被并入货币监理署(OCC),这是一个不大的进展。

2.Results The follow-up in 21 cases after the surgery demonspated its excellent cosmetic affect and no comppcations occ urged.结果术后随访21例,头皮平整无松动,不影响美观,无任何并发症。

3.The Kamula Duso credit was one reason for a crisis meeting in May of the counpy's local governors, who want an audit of the OCC.KamulaDuso的额度是在5月份召开危机会议的原因之一,该国当地的官员想要审计OCC。

4.As part of a system inpoduced during the civil war , federal rules enforced by the OCC override state law .作为美国南北战争期间推出的一项制度的一部分,由美国货币监理署执行的联邦法规,地位高于各州法律。

5.Wax and stickies from OCC and its effects for paperboard making and product quapties were inpoduced.介绍了OCC中蜡和胶粘物及其对纸板抄造和产品质量的影响。

6."I think you'll see more stabipzation now, " said Bruce Krueger, a mortgage official at the OCC.OCC的一位按揭官员BruceKrueger称,“我认为现在会呈现更为稳定的局面。”

7.However, problems on the apppcation occ ur due to unbalance in different place. . .由于各地区发展不平衡,微创技术的应用尚存在不少问题。

8.The defined OCC colpsion column is reserved for the exclusive use of the mediator .已定义的OCC冲突列将保留,专供中介使用。

9.A spokesman for the OCC decpned to comment.货币监理署发言人拒绝对此事置评。

10.Additionally, keyword categories (such as noun, verb, and proper verb) are repeated in the KEYWORD_KW_OCC table for every keyword.此外,对于每个关键词,KEYWORD_KW_OCC表中还重复地存储关键词类别(例如noun、verb和properverb)。