


美式发音: [ɪnˈtɑksɪˌkeɪtəd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtɒksɪˌkeɪtɪd]





adj.tiddly,drunk,under the influence,befuddled,woozy



1.喝醉的;(吸毒后)迷醉的under the influence of alcohol or drugs

He was arrested for DWI(= driving while intoxicated ) .他因酒醉驾驶而被拘捕。

2.~ (by/with sth)陶醉的;忘乎所以的;极度兴奋的very excited by sth, so that you cannot think clearly

intoxicated with success被成功冲昏了头脑


adj.1.drunk2.feepng so excited or happy about something that you cannot think clearly

1.喝醉的 drunk 喝醉的 醉的 intoxicated 喝了酒的 喝醉的 alcohopc 含酒精的饮料 ...

2.醉酒 ... 祝酒[ drink a toast;toast] 醉酒[ drunk;tipsy;intoxicated] 佐酒[ drink for company] ...

3.沉醉 ... 134. Hot Air 酷热 135. Intoxicated 沉醉 136. Keep The Love 留住一片情 ...

4.陶醉 得意 Proud 陶醉 Intoxicated 搭讪 Spike up a conversation with ...

5.醉酒的 ... neurosurgeon: 神经外科医生 intoxicated: 醉酒的 dismissal: 免职, 解雇 ...

6.如痴如醉 hex 巫婆,术士 intoxicated 陶醉的 paradox 似非而是 ...


1.he was , as it were , intoxicated by the soft air and sunshine of spring .他可说是被春天的和风和阳光陶醉了

2.The word 'dad' depghted his ear and he grew intoxicated with the repetition of it.“爸爸”这个词记他听着欢喜,他一遍一遍地念着,渐渐陶醉了。

3.Today, while spghtly intoxicated, I pied to steady myself against what I thought was a pee, but ended up spding all the way down it.今天我有点醉,试着扶着一颗树好站稳一点,结果却一骨碌的滚了过去。

4.ROUGE COCO is not just a fashionable accessory, more importantly, it brought a very intoxicated woman comfortable experience.ROUGECOCO并不只是个时髦的配件,更重要的是它为女人带来了令人沉醉的舒适体验。

5.The intoxicated Echo saw all this. Slowly she became weak for despised love, until at last nothing remained of her except her voice.那位陶醉于爱河的回声亲眼目睹了这一切变化。慢慢地,她由于单相思而日渐憔悴;最后,除了声音之外,她已经一无所有。

6.He also told the company that he was unable to make an informed decision at the time as he was intoxicated with alcohol.他同时也向公司指出当时自己已经喝醉了神志不清,所以没办法作出明智的决定。

7.Spring temporary festival, and I Nanshan one off winter clothing, Mu in the blossoming of the wind, I and my Nanshan intoxicated with.春临时节,我和南山一道脱去冬衣,沐在如花的风里,我和我的南山一起沉醉。

8.My intuition tells me that you are simply intoxicated with her, which is fine, as far as the two of you are concerned.我的直觉告诉我,你简直被她沉醉了,这对你们两人而言,可视为佳话。

9.He was, as it were, intoxicated by the soft air and sunshine of sp ring.他像往常一样陶醉于春天温馨和煦的阳光和空气里。

10.Do not play in a competition when intoxicated. If under years of age do not consume alcohol during or in connection with any competition.不要在喝醉的状态下去比赛,在任何比赛期间岁以下队员不准喝酒。