


美式发音: [ɪˈstɛlə] 英式发音: [eˈstelə]





1.丝黛拉 祖母绿 Emerald 艾斯黛拉 Estella 长颈鹿 Giraffe ...

3.艾丝泰娜泪》(Great Expectations),饰演艾丝泰娜(Estella)一角;后在1948年,她又与罗兰士·奥利花合作,在他自导自演的《哈 …

4.埃斯特拉 Deidre 黛德丽 Estella 埃斯特拉 Estelle 埃斯特尔 ...

5.伊莎泰勒 8.Promise 诺言 1.Estella 伊莎泰勒 4.Pink Surprise 粉红惊奇 ...

6.埃斯帖拉 Elche 艾尔契 Estella 埃斯帖拉 Figueras 菲圭拉斯 ...

7.伊丝黛拉 Apcia 爱莉希亚 Estella 伊丝黛拉 Chelsea 事我喜欢的名子 ...


1.As Estella was leading me along the dark passages, she stopped suddenly and put her face close to mine.当艾丝黛拉带我沿着那个黑过道走时,她突然停住脚步,她的脸紧靠近我的脸。

2.If only Estella had come to be a spectator of our proceedings, I should have felt sufficiently discontented.即使艾丝黛拉只是一个人来看我们兜圈子,我就已经够难堪了。

3.'Yes, 'I said, becoming more confident. 'And Miss Estella, her niece, I think, handed in gold plates with cake and wine through the windows.“是的,”我变得更自信地说,“我想还有她的侄女艾丝黛拉小姐,通过窗户递进来盛有蛋糕和葡萄酒的金盘子。”

4.she has pained her adopted daughter Estella to break men's hearts just as her heart was broken.她训练她的养女诶斯特拉去伤害男人心,就像她的心被伤的程度一样。

5.The provocative look in his eyes is one Estella cannot resist.埃斯特拉无法抗拒他挑拨的眼神。

6.His manpness causes Estella's heart to pound as loudly as his knocking on the door.他的男人味让埃斯特拉的心跳得跟他敲门声一样响。

7.But even though I was in love, I didn't hide from myself the fact that I would be unhappy with Estella.即使我深深爱着她,我也不会向自己隐瞒我和她在一起并不快乐的事实。

8.Go on, my love, she used to whisper in Estella's ear, 'break men's hearts and have no mercy! I want my revenge! '“继续,宝贝,”她在艾丝黛拉耳边用习惯的耳语说,“打碎男人的心,决不仁慈手软!我要报仇雪恨!”

9.Pip is inpoduced to Miss Havisham an eccenpic old woman, and her charge, Estella, with whom Pip falls in love.后来,有人把皮普介绍给一位性格古怪的老女人哈维莎姆小姐以及他的主管。

10.But, before I proceed to narrate it, and before I pass on to all the changes it involved, I must give one chapter to Estella.但是,在我开始叙述它之前,在我讲述它所牵涉到的一切变化之前,我必须专门用一章来谈谈埃斯苔娜。