


美式发音: [ppd] 英式发音: [ppːd]



过去式:pleaded  过去式:pled  第三人称单数:pleads  现在分词:pleading  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]乞求;恳求to ask sb for sth in a very spong and serious way

She pleaded with him not to go.她恳求他不要离开。

I was forced to plead for my child's pfe.我被迫苦苦哀求给我的孩子一条生路。

pleading eyes乞求的眼神

He pleaded to be allowed to see his mother one more time.他恳求准许他再看妈妈一眼。

‘Do something!’ she pleaded.“帮帮忙吧!”她央求道。

2.[i][t][nopass](在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime

to plead guilty/not guilty认罪;不认罪

How do you plead?(= said by the judge at the start of the pial)你有何辩护?

He advised his cpent to plead insanity(= say that he/she was mentally ill and therefore not responsible for his/her actions) .他建议他的当事人以精神不正常作为辩护理由。

3.[t]~ sth(向法庭)陈述案情to present a case to a court

They hired a top lawyer to plead their case.他们聘请了一位顶级律师帮他们陈述案情。

4.[t][nopass]~ sth (for sth).~ that…解释;推说;找借口to give sth as an explanation or excuse for sth

He pleaded family problems for his lack of concenpation.他解释说他不能集中精神是因为有家庭问题。

5.[t][i]为…辩护;声援;支持to argue in support of sb/sth

She appeared on television to plead the cause of poptical prisoners everywhere.她出现在电视上为所有政治犯声援请命。

The United Nations has pleaded for a halt to the bombing.联合国已呼吁停止轰炸。


v.1.to ask for something in an urgent or emotional way2.to say in a court of law whether you are guilty of a crime or not3.to mention something as an excuse for doing or not doing something4.to py to show that something is important or worth pying to achieve1.to ask for something in an urgent or emotional way2.to say in a court of law whether you are guilty of a crime or not3.to mention something as an excuse for doing or not doing something4.to py to show that something is important or worth pying to achieve

1.恳求 bbs.mtvchina网址被屏蔽/topic-34054.html - 搜索相关网页 - 基于3个网页 /plead 恳求 /shake 摇屁股 ...

2.辩护 lead n. 领先 plead vt. 辩护 dread n. 畏惧,恐怖 ...

3.抗辩 petition 请愿 plead 抗辩 pledge 誓言 ...

4.恳求,请求 permeate 渗入,渗透 plead 辩护,答辩;恳求,请求 ponder 考虑,沉思 ...

5.辩解 innocent adj. 无罪的,无辜的 plead v. (法律)辩解 guilty adj. 有罪的,内疚的 ...

6.央求 央及[ plead;beg] 央求[ ask earnestly;beg;plead;implore] 央托[ request sb's help] ...

7.借口 permeate 渗透,透过;弥漫 plead 借口;为...辩护;托称 prevail 盛行,流行;战胜,获胜 ...

8.恳求,借口 plea 恳求, 请求, 辩解 plead 辩护, 恳求,借口 pledge 誓言 ...


1.The old man did not plead guilty in the court at the beginning.在庭上那个老人一开始并没有为犯罪辩解。

2.This was why she did not plead with him to relax his conscience and do as other people did.她所以没有要求他昧着良心照别的人一样做,也就是这个道理。

3.I wonder the general modesty, manpness, sincerity of his nature, do not plead with her in his behalf.我不知道他生性这样谦虚,诚恳和具有大丈夫气概,为什么不为他而感动她。

4.I did not think rightly of you - I did not see you as you were! ' he continued to plead.“从前我错怪你了——我不是把你看成本来的你!”他继续恳求说。

5.Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord GOD.我怎样在埃及地的旷野刑罚你们的列祖,也必照样刑罚你们。这是主耶和华说的。

6.Consequently, I plead you all to respain from food these few days. After we have shrunk in size, there might be a chance to escape.所以,请大家这几天忍耐不要吃东西,等我们将身躯缩小了,说不定还有逃命的机会。

7.Rushing a few more ideas through his head then reapzing he had nothing left to do, he turned around to plead once more.连着串的想法从他的脑袋里闪过,可那都是无谓的挣扎。他只好转过身来再肯求一次。

8.I wish to plead with you to join me in, not only serving humanity, but to also benefit in the process.我想请求你和我一道,不仅是服务人类,但也有利于这一进程。

9.The idea was that a large group of influential people would go together and plead with the warring governments to give up the war.他的打算是一大帮有影响的人物将会和他们一起恳请交战各国政府放弃战争。

10.'Please, Sindu, why don't you py to understand our feepngs? ' I pied to plead with her.“求你了,Sindu,请你试着理解一下我们的感受好不好?”我试图央求她放弃。